Что такое файл Docker-publish.sh и как он был создан?


Я последовал примеру, чтобы опубликовать приложение asp.net в Docker-контейнере. В основном Dockerfile находится в папке PublishProfiles, которая создается в вашем проекте Visual Studio в разделе «Свойства».

Тогда мы можем использовать команду из PowerShell или Linux. Я понимаю, как это работает в PowerShell, но я не понимаю команду из Linux.

cd ProjectFolder (like WebApplication/src/WebApplication) source dnvm.sh dnu restore --no-cache mkdir ~/Temp dnu publish . --out ~/Temp/ --wwwroot-out "wwwroot" --quiet cd Properties/PublishProfiles chmod +x ./Docker-publish.sh ./Docker-publish.sh ./Docker.pubxml ~/Temp/ 

У меня вопрос, что это за файл Docker-publish.shздесь и как он был создан?

Я предполагаю, что он был сгенерирован утилитой DNX и почему он имеет такое имя? Каков контекст тогда?


1 ответ на вопрос


I may find the answer. Microsoft used that docker tools can generate a sh file. However it updated the tools afterwards, that shell file was gone then. The latest tools just skip that shell file.

Lucky I have the old tools backed up. It reads a xml file and run the process.

 #!/bin/bash # Publish an application to Docker container # Please visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=529706 to learn more about the scirpt set -e if ! type docker &>/dev/null; then echo "Unable to find docker command. Please install it first" exit 1 fi if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 PubxmlFilePath PackOutputFolderPath" exit 1 fi pubxmlFilePath="$1" if [ ! -e "$pubxmlFilePath" ]; then echo "Unable to find publish settings xml file: $pubxmlFilePath" exit 1 fi packOutputFolderPath="$2" if [ ! -d "$packOutputFolderPath" ]; then echo "Unable to find pack output folder: $packOutputFolderPath" exit 1 fi projectName=$(basename "$( cd -P "$(dirname "$pubxmlFilePath" )/../.." && pwd )") publishProfilesFolderPath=$packOutputFolderPath/approot/src/$projectName/Properties/PublishProfiles if [ ! -d "$publishProfilesFolderPath" ]; then echo "Unble to find publish profiles folder : $publishProfilesFolderPath." exit 1 fi # Parse publish settings xml file dockerServerUrl=$(grep -Eo '<DockerServerUrl>.+</DockerServerUrl>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerImageName=$(grep -Eo '<DockerImageName>.+</DockerImageName>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerfileRelativePath=$(grep -Eo '<DockerfileRelativePath>.+</DockerfileRelativePath>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerPublishHostPort=$(grep -Eo '<DockerPublishHostPort>.+</DockerPublishHostPort>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerPublishContainerPort=$(grep -Eo '<DockerPublishContainerPort>.+</DockerPublishContainerPort>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerAuthOptions=$(grep -Eo '<DockerAuthOptions>.+</DockerAuthOptions>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerRunOptions=$(grep -Eo '<DockerRunOptions>.+</DockerRunOptions>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerAppType=$(grep -Eo '<DockerAppType>.+</DockerAppType>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerBuildOnly=$(grep -Eo '<DockerBuildOnly>.+</DockerBuildOnly>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') dockerRemoveConflictingContainers=$(grep -Eo '<DockerRemoveConflictingContainers>.+</DockerRemoveConflictingContainers>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') siteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish=$(grep -Eo '<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish>.+</SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') launchSiteAfterPublish=$(grep -Eo '<LaunchSiteAfterPublish>.+</LaunchSiteAfterPublish>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') createWindowsContainer=$(grep -Eo '<CreateWindowsContainer>.+</CreateWindowsContainer>' "$pubxmlFilePath" | awk -F'[<>]' '') echo "==== Publish Settings ====" echo "DockerServerUrl: $dockerServerUrl" echo "DockerImageName: $dockerImageName" echo "DockerfileRelativePath: $dockerfileRelativePath" echo "DockerPublishHostPort: $dockerPublishHostPort" echo "DockerPublishContainerPort: $dockerPublishContainerPort" echo "DockerAuthOptions: $dockerAuthOptions" echo "DockerRunOptions: $dockerRunOptions" echo "DockerAppType: $dockerAppType" echo "DockerBuildOnly: $dockerBuildOnly" echo "DockerRemoveConflictingContainers: $dockerRemoveConflictingContainers" echo "SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish: $siteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish" echo "LaunchSiteAfterPublish: $launchSiteAfterPublish" echo "CreateWindowsContainer: $createWindowsContainer" echo "==========================" echo "Creating Dockerfile..." if [ "$dockerfileRelativePath" == "" ]; then dockerfilePath=$publishProfilesFolderPath/Dockerfile else dockerfilePath=$publishProfilesFolderPath/$ fi if [ ! -e "$dockerfilePath" ]; then echo "Unble to find DockerFile : $dockerFilePath" exit 1 fi if [ "$dockerRemoveConflictingContainers" == "True" ] && [ $dockerPublishHostPort ]; then echo "Docker command: docker $dockerAuthOptions -H $dockerServerUrl ps -a" if [ "$createWindowsContainer" == "True" ]; then conflictingContainers=$(docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" ps -a | grep "$dockerPublishHostPort_$dockerPublishContainerPort" | awk '') else conflictingContainers=$(docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" ps -a | grep ":$dockerPublishHostPort->" | awk '') fi if [ $conflictingContainers ]; then echo "Removing conflicting containers: $conflictingContainers" echo "Docker command: docker $dockerAuthOptions -H $dockerServerUrl rm -f $conflictingContainers" if [ "$createWindowsContainer" == "True" ]; then docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" rm -f "$conflictingContainers" || true sleep 3 docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" rm -f "$conflictingContainers" || true else docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" rm -f "$conflictingContainers" fi fi fi echo "Building docker image $dockerImageName..." echo "Docker command: docker $dockerAuthOptions -H $dockerServerUrl build -t $dockerImageName -f $dockerfilePath $packOutputFolderPath" docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" build -t "$dockerImageName" -f "$dockerfilePath" "$packOutputFolderPath" if [ "$dockerBuildOnly" == "False" ]; then echo "Starting docker container: $dockerImageName..." publishPort="" envVars="" containerName="" if [ $dockerPublishHostPort ] && [ $dockerPublishContainerPort ]; then publishPort=" -p $dockerPublishHostPort:$dockerPublishContainerPort" if [ "$dockerAppType" == "Web" ]; then envVars=" -e server.urls=http://*:$dockerPublishContainerPort" fi if [ "$createWindowsContainer" == "True" ]; then containerName=" --name $dockerPublishHostPort_$dockerPublishContainerPort fi fi echo "Docker command: docker $dockerAuthOptions -H $dockerServerUrl run -t -d$publishPort$envVars $dockerRunOptions $dockerImageName" containerId=$(docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" run -t -d$publishPort$envVars$containerName $dockerRunOptions "$dockerImageName") echo "New container started with id: $containerId" echo -e "To see standard output from your application, execute the command:\ndocker $dockerAuthOptions -H $dockerServerUrl logs --follow $containerId" echo "Publish completed successfully." if [ "$launchSiteAfterPublish" == "True" ]; then if [ "$siteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish" == "" ]; then url="http://"$(expr "$dockerServerUrl" : '.*//\(.*\:\)')$dockerPublishHostPort else url=$siteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish fi echo "Attempting to connect to $url..." set +e i=0 while [ $i -lt 5 ] do curl -s --head $url --max-time 10 | head -n 1 | grep "HTTP/1.[01] [23]..." if [ $? == 0 ]; then if [ -e "/Applications/Safari.app" ]; then open -a /Applications/Safari.app $url elif [ -e "/usr/bin/firefox" ]; then firefox $url &>/dev/null & else echo -e "To see the web content, execute the command:\ncurl $url" fi exit fi sleep 5 i=$((i+1)) done logs=$(docker "$dockerAuthOptions" -H "$dockerServerUrl" logs "$containerId") echo -e "Failed to connect to $url. If your Docker host is an Azure virtual machine, please make sure to set up the endpoint $dockerPublishContainerPort using the Azure portal.\nContainer logs:\n$logs\nPlease visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=529706 for troubleshooting guide." fi else echo "Publish completed successfully. The container was not started because the DockerBuildOnly flag was set to True." fi 

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