GnuCash получить котировки на цены акций из Интернета


Я следовал приведенным здесь инструкциям, используя точный пример, чтобы автоматически обновлять цены на акции в GnuCash. Когда я нажимаю, price editor -> Get Quotesон возвращает предупреждение Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: NS:HDIL.NS(также есть еще одно, которое я тоже пробовал).

Я установил, gnc-fq-updateследуя инструкциям в списке рассылки GnuCash здесь . И когда я печатаю в терминал, cpan -D Finance::Quoteкак указано в вики-сайте GnuCash для CPAN, терминал возвращает

Going to read '/home/anthony/.cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Wed, 14 May 2014 02:06:11 GMT Finance::Quote ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (no description) E/EC/ECOCODE/Finance-Quote-1.31.tar.gz /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Finance/ Installed: 1.31 CPAN: 1.31 up to date Erik Colson (ECOCODE) 

1 ответ на вопрос


The problem was with the particular stock HDIL.NS I was trying to retrieve. Opening up a terminal and trying some of the commands listed in the GNUcash CPAN wiki here showed that my installation is fine. For example in terminal to find amazon share price using yahoo works great

$ gnc-fq-dump yahoo AMZN Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses: symbol: AMZN <=== required date: 05/19/2014 <=== required currency: USD <=== required last: 296.755 <=\ nav: <=== one of these price: 296.755 <=/ timezone: <=== optional 

Which is all OK. But the same for HDIL.NS and it can't find it (at least using yahoo)

$ gnc-fq-dump yahoo HDIL.NS Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses: symbol: HDIL.NS <=== required date: ** missing ** <=== required currency: ** missing ** <=== required last: 0.00 <=\ nav: <=== one of these price: <=/ timezone: <=== optional ** This stock quote cannot be used by gnucash!! 

Using an alternative to yahoo may resolve the issue the command gnc-fq-check shows alternatives to yahoo (I haven't bothered to check and find one)

$ gnc-fq-check ("1.31" "cse" "india" "vwd" "yahoo_nz" "ukfunds" "australia" "amfiindia" "usfedbonds" "bitcoin_gbp" "canada" "yahoo" "bitcoin_aud" "adig" "bux" "bitcoin_eur" "aiahk" "mtgox_sek" "bsero" "mtgox_hkd" "bitcoin_pln" "yahoo_australia" "unionfunds" "lerevenu" "asia" "tsx" "sixfunds" "indiamutual" "bse" "bitcoin_nzd" "hungary" "mtgox_gbp" "known_currencies" "mtgox_chf" "tnetuk" "fidelity_direct" "goldmoney" "tdwaterhouse" "trustnet" "mtgox_thb" "ftportfolios_direct" "cominvest" "morningstar" "ftportfolios" "mtgox_usd" "ind" "tdefunds" "bitcoin_rub" "bitcoin_nok" "mstaruk" "hu" "za" "bitcoin_usd" "mtgox_eur" "fundlibrary" "stockhousecanada_fund" "mtgox_pln" "yahoo_europe" "mtgox_sgd" "platinum" "mtgox_nok" "bitcoin_hkd" "maninv" "tsp" "financecanada" "usa" "troweprice" "france" "nasdaq" "bmonesbittburns" "bitcoin_thb" "mtgox_cny" "yahoo_asia" "mtgox_cad" "troweprice_direct" "tiaacref" "seb_funds" "bitcoin_jpy" "bitcoin_cny" "mtgox_aud" "ftfunds" "yahoo_brasil" "greece" "fidelity" "mtgox_nzd" "fetch_live_currencies" "romania" "dwsfunds" "finland" "hex" "brasil" "asegr" "deka" "nyse" "canadamutual" "asx" "mtgox_jpy" "mtgox_rub" "yahoo_json" "finanzpartner" "za_unittrusts" "fool" "citywire" "bitcoin_sek" "bitcoin_sgd" "uk_unit_trusts" "dutch" "sixshares" "nzx" "bitcoin_cad" "bitcoin_dkk" "aex" "nz" "bitcoin_chf" "vanguard" "europe" "bourso" "morningstarjp" "mtgox_dkk") 
Надо отметить, что я получил помощь из списка рассылки GNUcash [здесь] ( Sav-econ 9 лет назад 0
Обратите внимание, что нет никаких причин для запуска вышеуказанной команды с sudo. Jose Gómez 8 лет назад 0

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