GPG / Kleopatra: импортировать недостающий сертификат для электронной почты

Ole Tange

Я получил зашифрованное + подписанное письмо. Как мне импортировать ключ, используемый для его подписи?

Signed on 2015-09-29 12:01 with unknown certificate 0xAFF6229E09591DDB. The signature is invalid: No public certificate to verify the signature 

Могу ли я сделать это прямо из Outlook?


1 ответ на вопрос


To verify a mail's signature you need the public key of the sender. You can normally get the public key (here called certificate) from the sender of the mail or from a public key server. But if you want to be sure, that you got no faked public key, you should verify it's fingerprint with the sender (e.g. by phone).

I am not sure if gpg4win's Outlook integration can handle signature verification at all. I for me self use gpg4o (gpg4o) which is much more reliable than the open source solutions and offers a very smooth integration into Outlook.

Edit: I just looked for the key and I found a public key for Daniel xxxx Hxxxx on the key server hkp://

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