Как настроить сервер ntalk на OS X?


Я пытаюсь настроить ntalk на OS X Yosemite.

Я бегу:

$ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ntalk.plist 

Но порт 518 все еще закрыт ...

$ sudo nmap -sS -p 518 localhost Password:  Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-09-07 12:09 PDT Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0.000099s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 518/tcp closed ntalk  Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds 

В чем проблема?


1 ответ на вопрос


If you look into the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ntalk.plist then you can see the following entry:

<dict> <key>Listeners</key> <dict> <key>SockServiceName</key> <string>ntalk</string> <key>SockType</key> <string>dgram</string> </dict> </dict> 

The value of SockType is dgram and because of that the program listens on a UDP and not a TCP port.

If you call sudo nmap -sU -p 518 localhost then you should see that the port is opened.

vanemery.com: Using ntalkd as a Private, Secure, One-on-One Text Chat Service:

ntalkd listens on UDP port 518. Once the actual session is setup, there are two UDP streams and one TCP connection that exist between clients.

но не должен ли он слушать TCP-соединения? Drew 8 лет назад 0
@ Андрей обновил мой ответ t.niese 8 лет назад 0

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