AutoHotkey scrolling & middle click & mouse acceleration



Assume a Windows 7 machine, especially a laptop.

  1. No mouse driver allows holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse to scroll, and yet retain the right mouse button functionality. This is useful if you do not have a middle button.
  2. Mouse drivers do not work for some applications, and some like UltraNav feel very jerky for most applications where they work.
  3. The UltraNav driver for the ThinkPad does not allow the middle button to function as a middle-click at the same time as allowing scrolling by holding it down and moving the mouse.
  4. The UltraNav driver also does not allow click-and-drag at the same time as scrolling, which is extremely useful in editing documents.
  5. Accelerated scrolling is impossible on a wheel-mouse and poorly done by the UltraNav driver.
  6. With the default mouse driver the fastest possible pointer speed might still be much too slow and tiring especially for ThinkPad trackpoints.

What I desired was an AutoHotkey script to solve all these problems, but nothing I have found online have come close to even solving a few of them. After two years I have developed a complete solution below. Of course some techniques that I used were adapted from various posts on the internet, but often each post had only one or two of the methods, and so they do not work for many applications.

Comments are welcome! However, please understand that I may not have the time to implement suggestions or troubleshoot if it does not work for you. Thanks!

Я использую [AutoHotkey] ( v1.1.10.01, но этот скрипт должен работать и в более поздних версиях. user21820 7 лет назад 0

3 ответа на вопрос


I designed my own AutoHotkey script that uses a low level mouse hook to solve all the above problems. The code is too long so see the other answer for the code.

Important instructions

Use the 32-bit version of AutoHotkey, even if you are using 64-bit Windows, otherwise it just will not work in some places! Run the script on login with highest possible privileges for the user, using Task Scheduler, otherwise it will not work for an admin user in applications running with full admin rights. If you have UltraNav installed, select "Smooth" for the middle mouse button, otherwise it will interfere with the script for some unknown reason and scrolling will not work.

On rare occasions something goes wrong with the mouse hook, especially if you try to scroll while an application is changing its GUI. I suspect it is because I am not running it at real-time priority but I think it's too risky because if it gets stuck then there may be no way to stop it. Currently it is set to run at high priority. If anything goes wrong, try the following hotkeys in order.

LCtrl-RCtrl: Reload. RCtrl-LCtrl: Disable mouse hook. (If your mouse now works, Reload.) RCtrl-Esc: Disable the whole script. (You'll need to run it again.)


  1. By default scrolling is performed when the middle mouse button is held down and the mouse is moved. One can set rightbuttonscroll:=1 to use the right mouse button instead (especially for laptops which don't have a middle mouse button), in which case to get the original right-click-drag functionality one might have to press an additional Ctrl/Shift/Alt before that, depending on the specific application. (In most applications at least one of these combinations does the same as the original right-click.)
  2. If one has no middle mouse button, one can also set leftrighttomiddle:=1, and then pressing both the left and right mouse buttons within clicklimit (milliseconds) generates the middle button press, and releasing both generates the middle button release. To keep the generated middle button down it is enough to keep just one of the two real buttons pressed.
  3. Scrolling functions independently of other mouse-buttons, so for example one can scroll any time while holding down the left mouse button during a selection operation, as long as the application supports it. (Some applications do not allow scrolling while selecting for some strange reason.)
  4. By default, after pressing and releasing the scroll-button (whether middle or right mouse button) within clicklimit generates the original scroll-button click. If the scroll-button is held longer than that, scrolling is enabled and releasing the scroll-button will not generate any click. To enable scrolling even during that initial delay, set scrollbeforeclick:=1. With this setting, clicking is possible even if slight scrolling has already been done, as long as it does not exceed scrolllimit.
  5. Scrolling is slightly sticky, meaning that if one accidentally releases the scroll-button during scrolling for less than resetdelay, then it is treated as if it did not occur and scrolling continues. In particular this means that accidentally clicking at the end of scrolling will not generate the original scroll-button click.
  6. Clicking is also slightly sticky, meaning that if one presses a mouse button within resetdelay after releasing a mouse button, then it is assumed that one
  7. Some applications are very sluggish in handling scrolling and so we cannot pump too many commands to them to perform scrolling. interval is the interval between batches of scrolling-related commands sent to the application. In each interval all scrolling actions by the user are combined into one. Decreasing the interval makes scrolling more responsive to the user but may choke poorly designed applications. If fine control is desired one can always set a default value at the start of gettarget and adjust it depending on the application.
  8. Some applications really take too long to process scrolling commands, and so if a command is not processed within timelimit, all the remaining commands in the batch for that interval are aborted.
  9. One can fine-tune the scrolling by editing scrollamount to change the scroll speed given the speed of the mouse or editing scrolladjust to change the way scrolling is performed given the accumulated scroll amounts. By default scrolling is snapped to the vertical or horizontal if the scroll amount in that direction is more than 5 times that in the other direction.
  10. One can also fine-tune the mouse speed and acceleration. Press LCtrl-Ralt-D to show the current mouse speed, LCtrl-Ralt-S to decrease the speed and LCtrl-Ralt-F to increase the speed. It will change the pointer speed that is in the Mouse settings. Edit moveadjust to change the way pointer movements are converted into mouse movements. By default, low speeds remain the same and high speeds are multiplied by 3, and there is a smooth transition in between, and also every mouse movement is spread over the current one and the next one, because at high pointer speeds the hardware or default mouse driver produces choppy output. Make sure moveadjust runs fast!


There are 11 different methods of scrolling that I have discovered in various applications. Some applications only respond to one of these, which is quite annoying. The methods are described in the comments in the code itself, but there is no reliable way to determine the correct method to use, and so one has to manually customize gettarget to choose the method for each application that does not work with the default wheel messages. Try the methods in the order they occur in scroll. For each method, you might have to experiment with changing the targets of the messages, namely ctrl,window,parent as appropriate.

To toggle debugging, press LCtrl-AppMenu. It shows the raw movements of the mouse the adjusted amounts, for both normal movement and scrolling. If you hold down the scroll-button without moving the mouse, it shows the ancestry of both the target under the mouse and the control chosen by gettarget. I sometimes had to also use Spy++ to see the control hierarchy and guess where to send the messages to.


The 64-bit AutoHotkey causes my script to fail for Programmer's Notepad, while the 32-bit AutoHotkey works perfectly, and I don't know why. Other applications seem to have no such problem. If it's a bug in my script, I'd be glad to know!

Это круто! Кажется, есть проблема с несколькими мониторами - когда я запускаю его с двумя мониторами (победа 10), мышь «застревает» в верхнем левом углу, в то время как на одном мониторе она работает нормально. Есть ли у вас исходный репозиторий для этого (кажется, что-то более приятное в github и т. П.); Если вам это не интересно, вы бы с радостью разместили его в репо? askvictor 7 лет назад 0
При дальнейшем осмотре это кажется не столько с несколькими мониторами, сколько с внешним монитором для ноутбука. Если я использую этот сценарий с внешним монитором либо как единственный монитор, либо как расширенный, то мышь окажется в верхнем правом углу. Если я использую сценарий только с монитором ноутбука или с дублированными дисплеями, он работает нормально. askvictor 7 лет назад 0
@askvictor: У меня нет исходного хранилища, так как это был просто личный проект. Я определенно был бы рад, если бы вы поместили мой код под той же лицензией, что и на SE. Но перед этим давайте исправим странную ошибку. Не могли бы вы переключить `dbg`, нажав LCtrl + AppMenu, или изменив этот ярлык (рядом с верхом), или просто временно установив` dbg: = true`, и скажите мне, что он говорит в окне сообщения при перемещении? user21820 7 лет назад 0
Я создал гист на - но если вы предпочитаете создать его самостоятельно (и мне форк), дайте мне знать, и я его удалю. Я думаю, что это обсуждение может быть лучше на GitHub, чем здесь? В любом случае в окне сообщения отладки отображаются небольшие положительные (обычно от 0 до 20) числа для обоих измерений исходного положения и небольшие отрицательные (обычно от -10 до 0) для обоих измерений обоих координат перемещения. askvictor 7 лет назад 0
@askvictor: Спасибо за настройку! У меня нет учетной записи GitHub, но мы можем обсудить в чате, когда появится возможность. Кстати, кто-то еще, использующий мой скрипт, не имеет проблем ни на ноутбуке, ни на внешнем мониторе, подключенном к ноутбуку (но никогда не пробовал несколько мониторов), так что это странно. Первое число `Move` является необработанным значением, а второе является значением, заданным пользователем (для плавного ускорения). Если первое всегда отрицательно, это объясняет, почему мышь перемещается в верхний левый угол. Но это может быть проблемой либо с сообщением AutoHotkey `mousegetpos`, либо с сообщением WM_MOUSEMOVE в Windows. user21820 7 лет назад 0
@askvictor: Сначала я подозревал, что это какая-то проблема со знаком / без знака или 32/64-битная проблема, но я предполагаю, что расхождение в позициях - это небольшой постоянный вектор, если вы вообще не двигаетесь. Если это так в вашем случае, вы можете «взломать исправление», исправив его и посмотрев, работает ли оно на обоих мониторах или проблема возвращается, когда вы перемещаете курсор на другой монитор. (Забавно, что этот пост был просмотрен 1400 раз, но единственное возражение до сих пор исходило от вас!) user21820 7 лет назад 0
@askvictor: я обнаружил отдельную ошибку, которая приводит к сбою функции 2. (Это работало в предыдущей версии.) Скоро обновлю. В любом случае, позвольте нам [продолжить обсуждение вашей проблемы в чате] ( user21820 7 лет назад 0

The code is too long so it is split into two answers, and see the third answer for the instructions.

Code Part 1

#commentflag // ; Change to C++ comment style // Settings // global rightbuttonscroll:=0 // set to 1 iff the right button is to be used for scrolling instead of the middle button global scrollbeforeclick:=1 // set to 1 iff scrolling is allowed before the original button click otherwise scrolling is delayed for (clicklimit) global leftrighttomiddle:=0 // set to 1 iff pressing both left+right buttons together is to be used to generate the middle button press global scrolllimit:=3.5 // maximum scroll allowed between scroll button press and release for the original button click to be generated global clicklimit:=210 // maximum time allowed between scroll button press and release for the original button click to be generated global resetdelay:=210 // minimum time required between scroll button release and press for the original button click to be allowed global interval:=35 // minimum interval between scrolling updates global timelimit:=70 // maximum time allowed for continuing the scrolling update in each direction global dbg:=false // Initialization // #singleinstance,force #keyhistory 0 #usehook on process priority,,H setkeydelay 1 setcontroldelay -1 coordmode mouse,screen global buttondown:=( rightbuttonscroll==1 ? 0x204 : 0x207 ) global buttonup:=( rightbuttonscroll==1 ? 0x205 : 0x208 ) global buttonoriginal:=( rightbuttonscroll==1 ? "RButton" : "MButton" ) global speed global handling:=0 global scrolling:=0 global scrolldrag:=0 global scrollsticky:=0 global clicksticky:=0 global leftphysical:=0 global rightphysical:=0 global lefttopress:=0 global righttopress:=0 global middlepressed:=0 global mx,my global dx,dy global lx:=0 global ly:=0 global sx:=0 global sy:=0 global totalx:=0 global totaly:=0 global ctrl,window,parent global methodx global methody global scrollbarx global scrollbary global max16bit:=32767 global sbinfo varsetcapacity(sbinfo,28) numput(28,sbinfo,0) numput(23,sbinfo,4) global mousehook:=dllcall("SetWindowsHookEx","int",14,"uint",RegisterCallback("handlemouse","fast"),"uint",0,"uint",0) message("AutoHotkey loaded") return // Reload & Debug & Exit & Disable Mousehook // LCtrl & RCtrl::reload LCtrl & AppsKey::dbg:=!dbg RCtrl & Esc::exitapp RCtrl & LCtrl::dllcall("UnhookWindowsHookEx","uint",mousehook) // Message // messageoff: tooltip return message(text) { tooltip % text //,a_screenwidth-strlen(text)*7,a_screenheight-42 settimer messageoff,-1000 } // Mouse Movement // moveadjust(byref x,byref y) { movespread(x,y) z2:=x**2+y**2 r:=(70+z2*4)/(70+z2) x:=rtoz(x*r) y:=rtoz(y*r) } movespread(byref x,byref y) { nx:=rtoz(x/2) ny:=rtoz(y/2) x-=nx y-=ny x+=lx y+=ly lx:=nx ly:=ny settimer movereset,-210 } movereset: lx:=0 ly:=0 return getspeed() { DllCall("SystemParametersInfo","Int",112,"Int",0,"UIntP",speed,"Int",0) } setspeed() { DllCall("SystemParametersInfo","Int",113,"Int",0,"UInt",speed,"Int",2) } showspeed() { message("Mouse speed = " . speed) } <^>!d:: getspeed() showspeed() return <^>!s:: getspeed() if( speed>1 ) { speed:=speed-1 } setspeed() showspeed() return <^>!f:: getspeed() if( speed<20 ) { speed:=speed+1 } setspeed() showspeed() return // Mouse Scrolling // /* Usage Combination : Function ScrollButton-Release : ScrollButton-Click (where the intervening time and scroll do not exceed the limits set) ScrollButton-Modifiers-Move : Modifiers-Scroll (where Modifiers can be any combination of Shift and Ctrl and Alt) If rightbuttonscroll = 1 : LButton-RButton : MButton (where the intervening time does not exceed the limit set) RButton-LButton : MButton (where the intervening time does not exceed the limit set) Methods Send wheel messages (0x20a/0x20e) to the control The wheel amount is only 16-bit which is at most only 32767/120 wheel notches Some applications do not handle the wheel amount correctly so you may need to send integer multiples of wheel notches or many wheel messages Microsoft Word apparently assumes that wheel messages are always posted and behaves incorrectly unless PostMessage is used Send scrollbars' thumb position to the control This works for many scrollable controls but not all Send scroll messages (0x115/0x114) to the control unless its scrollbar thumb position is already at the end Many applications respond rather slowly to scroll messages Send scroll messages to the scrollbars This works for some applications and should be slightly faster than scroll messages to the parent Many applications respond rather slowly so wheel messages are preferable if they work Send scroll messages to the scrollbars' parents This is supposed to be a standard way to control scrollbars that are separate from the control Many applications respond rather slowly so wheel messages are preferable if they work Send keys (Up/Down/Left/Right/PgUp/PgDn) to the scrollbars This is equivalent to clicking the arrows or the empty space on either side of the thumb track Some applications respond slowly so keys should not be sent too fast Send keys to the control Only for rare cases that do not respond to anything else Call Office function SmallScroll This function only exists for Office applications and even then it is broken in some like Powerpoint Customization scrollamount(x) Can assume that x is non-negative Must return non-negative output scrolladjust(x,y) Can modify scroll amounts (x,y) gettarget() Can assume that (mx,my) is the current mouse position Must set ctrl to the handle of the control that is to be scrolled Must set parent to getparent(ctrl) if scrolltoscrollbarparent() or keystoscrollbar() is used */ scrollamount(x) { return x**1.5/8 } scrolladjust(byref x,byref y) { ax:=abs(x) ay:=abs(y) z:=sqrt(x**2+y**2) if( ax>ay*5 ) { x:=( x>0 ? z : -z ) y:=0 } if( ay>ax*5 ) { y:=( y>0 ? z : -z ) x:=0 } } gettarget() { gosub messageoff ctrl0:=getctrlat(mx,my) window:=getwindow(ctrl0) class:=getclass(window) title:=gettitle(window) ctrl:=ctrl0 loop { ctrlname:=getnameaschild(ctrl) ctrlclass:=getclass(ctrl) parent:=getparent(ctrl) parentname:=getnameatroot(parent) parentclass:=getclass(parent) if( ctrl!=window and ( regexmatch(ctrlclass,"^(Button|T?ComboBox|CtrlNotifySink|SysLink)$")==1 or parentclass=="ComboBox" ) ) { ctrl:=parent continue } break } gp:=getparent(parent) ggp:=getparent(gp) gpname:=getnameaschild(gp) ggpname:=getnameaschild(ggp) methodx:="wheel" // needed for: Firefox, Gimp, ... methody:="wheel" // needed for: Firefox, File Chooser, Explorer, Word, Outlook, IE, ... scrollbarx:="" scrollbary:="" if( ctrlclass=="ComboLBox" ) // Standard Combo Boxes dropdown list { methodx:="thumbpos" methody:="thumbpos" } if( ctrlclass=="ListBox" ) // Standard List Boxes { methodx:="thumbpos" methody:="thumbpos" } if( ctrlclass=="ScrollBar" ) // Standard ScrollBar controls { methodx:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" // "scroll" works for most places but not some ( Character Map, ... ) methody:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" // "scroll" works for most places but not some ( Character Map, ... ) scrollbarx:="scrollbar1" scrollbary:="scrollbar1" } if( class=="OpusApp" ) // Microsoft Word { methodx:="office" methody:="postwheel" if( gpname=="_WwB1" ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(window,"_WwG1") } } if( class=="XLMAIN" ) // Microsoft Excel { methodx:="office" if( gpname=="EXCEL71" ) { ctrl:=gp } } if( class=="PPTFrameClass" or class=="PP12FrameClass" ) // Microsoft Powerpoint { methody:="wheelsingle" ctrlnameatroot:=getnameatroot(ctrl) if( ctrlnameatroot=="NetUIHWND3" or ctrlnameatroot=="NetUIHWND4" ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(window,"paneClassDC1") ctrlname:="paneClassDC1" parent:=getparent(ctrl) } if( ctrlname=="paneClassDC1" ) { methodx:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" methody:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" // Powerpoint scroll up is broken when there are 9 slides at 100% zoom in normal mode scrollbarx:="NUIScrollbar2" scrollbary:="NUIScrollbar1" //methody:="office" // Powerpoint does not update the view pane immediately and so it is disorienting } if( ctrlnameatroot=="NetUIHWND5" ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(window,"paneClassDC2") } } if( class=="rctrl_renwnd32" ) // Microsoft Outlook { methodx:="office" gpclass:=getclass(gp) ctrlnameatroot:=getnameatroot(ctrl) if( ctrlclass=="SUPERGRID" ) { methodx:="scroll" methody:="scroll" } if( gpclass=="SUPERGRID" ) { methodx:="scroll" methody:="scroll" ctrl:=gp } if( gpname=="_WwB1" ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(window,"_WwG1") } } if( ctrlclass=="OUTEXVLB" ) // Microsoft Outlook { Address Book, Group membership, ... } { methodx:="thumbpos" if( regexmatch(title,"Global Address List")==0 ) { methody:="scroll" } } if( title=="Symbol" and regexmatch(class,"bosa_sdm_(msword|Microsoft Office Word 12.0|XL9|Mso96)")==1 ) // Microsoft Office Insert Symbol { controlget v,visible,,ScrollBar1,ahk_id %ctrl% if( v==0 ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(window,"Edit1") methody:="thumbpos" } } if( class=="wndclass_desked_gsk" ) // Microsoft Visual Basic { if( ctrlclass=="VbaWindow" ) { methodx:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" parent:=ctrl scrollbarx:="scrollbar2" } } if( regexmatch(ctrlclass,"^RichEdit20W(PT)?$")==1 ) // Windows Text Areas { methodx:="wheel" methody:="scroll" } if( class=="AcrobatSDIWindow" ) // Adobe Reader { if( regexmatch(parentname,"AVL_AVView")==1 ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(parent,"AVL_AVView4") if( ctrl=="" ) { ctrl:=getdescendant(parent,"AVL_AVView1") } methodx:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" scrollbarx:="scrollbar1" methody:="wheel" } } if( ggpname=="SHELLDLL_DefView1" ) // Windows Explorer Scrollbars { ctrl:=gp ctrlname:=gpname parentname:=ggpname } if( ctrlname=="DirectUIHWND1" ) { if( parentname=="SHELLDLL_DefView1" ) // Windows Explorer (including Standard File Choosers) { methodx:="scrolltoscrollbar" // "scrolltoscrollbarparent" also works scrollbarx:="scrollbar1" controlget v,visible,,ScrollBar2,ahk_id %ctrl% methody:=( v==1 ? "wheel" : "" ) } if( class=="CabinetWClass" ) { if( parentname=="XBabyHost1" ) // Control Panel { methody:="scrolltoscrollbar" // "scrolltoscrollbarparent" also works scrollbary:="scrollbar1" if( title=="Personalization" ) { scrollbary:="scrollbar3" } } } } if( ctrlclass=="CharGridWClass" ) // Character Map { methody:="scrolltoscrollbarparent" scrollbary:="scrollbar1" } if( class=="ConsoleWindowClass" ) // Console Window { methodx:="thumbpos" methody:="thumbpos" } if( class=="WordPadClass" ) // WordPad { methodx:="scroll" methody:="scroll" // WordPad scroll down is broken when scrolling horizontally at the same time } if( class=="ATL:006AD5B8" ) // Programmer's Notepad { methodx:="scroll" } if( class=="SWT_Window0" or ctrlclass=="Internet Explorer_Server" ) // Eclipse { methodx:="scroll" } if( ctrlclass=="TSynEdit" ) // TSynEdit ; Dev C++, ... { methodx:="thumbpos" methody:="thumbpos" } if( ctrlclass=="TListView" ) // TlistView ; Dev C++, ... { methodx:="scroll" } if( ctrlclass=="TPSSynEdit" ) // TPSSynEdit ; PSPad, ... { methodx:="thumbpos" } if( class=="QWidget" or class=="Qt5QWindowIcon" ) { if( regexmatch(title,"LyX")==1 ) // Lyx { methodx:="" // prevents horizontal scrolling from becoming vertical scrolling in the edit pane // but disables horizontal scrolling everywhere else } if( regexmatch(title,"TeXworks$")>0 ) // TeXWorks { methodx:="wheelint" methody:="wheelint" } } if( class=="gdkWindowToplevel" ) // Gimp { methody:="wheelsingle" // Gimp performs horizontal scrolling when the mouse is scrolled over the horizontal scrollbar } if( class=="SunAwtDialog" ) // Java AWT Dialogs ; GeoGebra, Logisim, ... { methody:="wheelint" } if( regexmatch(ctrlname,"IupCanvas")==1 ) // IupCanvas { methodx:="scroll" } if( class=="SunAwtFrame" ) { if( regexmatch(title,"GeoGebra|.*\.ggb$")==1 ) // GeoGebra { methody:="wheelint" } if( regexmatch(title,"Logisim")==1 ) // Logisim { methodx:="keys" // performs scrolling only if the drawing area has the focus } } if( class=="MSPaintApp" ) // MSPaint { if( parentname=="MSPaintView1" ) { methodx:="thumbpos" methody:="thumbpos" } } if( class=="ATL:643E3490" ) // Real World Paint { if( ctrlclass=="RWViewImageEdit" ) { methodx:="scroll" methody:="scroll" } } if( ctrlclass=="DSUI:PagesView" ) // PDF-XChange Viewer (also as a browser plugin) { methodx:="scroll" methody:="wheelint" } if( ctrlclass=="PuTTY" ) // PuTTY { methody:="scroll" } if( dbg ) { p:=getparent(ctrl) gp:=getparent(p) ggp:=getparent(gp) message( "Root class = " class . "`nRoot title = " title . "`nTarget = [" ctrl0 "]" . "`n`t(as child) " getnameaschild(ctrl0) . "`n`t(at root) " getnameatroot(ctrl0) . "`nControl = [" ctrl "]" . "`n`t(at child) " getnameaschild(ctrl) . "`n`t(as root) " getnameatroot(ctrl) . "`nControl ancestors = " . "`n`t < [" p "] " getnameatroot(p) . "`n`t < [" gp "] " getnameatroot(gp) . "`n`t < [" ggp "] " getnameatroot(ggp) . "`nMethod = (" methodx "," methody ")" . "`nScrollbars = (" scrollbarx "," scrollbary ")" ) } } scroll: critical on if( getwindow(getctrlat(mx,my))!=window ) { scrolling:=0 } if( scrolling==0 ) { return } settimer scroll,-%interval% if( scrollbeforeclick!=1 and scrolldrag==0 ) { sx:=0 sy:=0 return } tx:=sx ty:=sy sx-=tx sy-=ty totalx+=tx totaly+=ty if( totalx**2+totaly**2>scrolllimit ) { scrolldrag:=1 } scrolladjust(tx,ty) rx:=0 ry:=0 comobjerror(false) if( tx!=0 ) { if( methodx=="wheel" ) { sendwheel("h",tx) } else if( methodx=="postwheel" ) { postwheel("h",tx) } else { txi:=rtoz(tx) rx:=tx-txi if( txi!=0 ) { if( methodx=="wheelint" ) { sendwheel("h",txi) } else if( methodx=="wheelsingle" ) { sendwheelsingle("h",txi) } else if( methodx=="thumbpos" ) { sendthumbpos("h",txi) } else if( methodx=="scroll" ) { sendscroll("h",txi) } else if( methodx=="scrolltoscrollbar" ) { sendscrolltoscrollbar(scrollbarx,txi) } else if( methodx=="scrolltoscrollbarparent" ) { sendscrolltoscrollbarparent(scrollbarx,"h",txi) } else if( methodx=="keys" ) { sendkeys("h",txi) } else if( methodx=="keystoscrollbar" ) { sendkeystoscrollbar(scrollbarx,txi) } else if( methodx=="office" ) { Acc_ObjectFromWindow(ctrl,-16).SmallScroll(0,0,(txi>0?txi:0),(txi<0?-txi:0)) } } } } if( ty!=0 ) { if( methody=="wheel" ) { sendwheel("v",-ty) } else if( methody=="postwheel" ) { postwheel("v",-ty) } else { tyi:=rtoz(ty) ry:=ty-tyi if( tyi!=0 ) { if( methody=="wheelint" ) { sendwheel("v",-tyi) } else if( methody=="wheelsingle" ) { sendwheelsingle("v",-tyi) } else if( methody=="thumbpos" ) { sendthumbpos("v",tyi) } else if( methody=="scroll" ) { sendscroll("v",tyi) } else if( methody=="scrolltoscrollbar" ) { sendscrolltoscrollbar(scrollbary,tyi) } else if( methody=="scrolltoscrollbarparent" ) { sendscrolltoscrollbarparent(scrollbary,"v",tyi) } else if( methody=="keys" ) { sendkeys("v",tyi) } else if( methody=="keystoscrollbar" ) { sendkeystoscrollbar(scrollbary,tyi) } else if( methody=="office" ) { Acc_ObjectFromWindow(ctrl,-16).SmallScroll((tyi>0?tyi:0),(tyi<0?-tyi:0)) } } } } comobjerror(true) sx:=rx sy:=ry return sendwheel(dir,amount) { t:=a_tickcount msg:=( dir=="v" ? 0x20a : 0x20e ) flags:=getkeystate("Ctrl")<<3|getkeystate("Shift")<<2 amount*=120 while( amount>max16bit ) { sendmessage msg,max16bit<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit amount-=max16bit if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } while( amount<-max16bit ) { sendmessage msg,-max16bit<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit amount+=max16bit if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } sendmessage msg,round(amount)<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit } postwheel(dir,amount) { msg:=( dir=="v" ? 0x20a : 0x20e ) flags:=getkeystate("Ctrl")<<3|getkeystate("Shift")<<2 amount*=120 while( amount>max16bit ) { postmessage msg,max16bit<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl% amount-=max16bit } while( amount<-max16bit ) { postmessage msg,-max16bit<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl% amount+=max16bit } postmessage msg,round(amount)<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl% } sendwheelsingle(dir,amount) { t:=a_tickcount msg:=( dir=="v" ? 0x20a : 0x20e ) flags:=getkeystate("Ctrl")<<3|getkeystate("Shift")<<2 loop % abs(amount) { sendmessage msg,(amount<0?-120:120)<<16|flags,mx|my<<16,,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } } sendthumbpos(dir,amount) { msg:=( dir=="v" ? 0x115 : 0x114 ) sb:=dllcall("GetScrollInfo","uint",ctrl,"int",(dir=="v"?1:0),"uint",&sbinfo) if( sb ) { sbmin:=numget(sbinfo,8,"int") sbmax:=numget(sbinfo,12,"int") sbpos:=numget(sbinfo,20,"int") if( amount>max16bit ) { amount=max16bit } if( amount<-max16bit ) { amount=-max16bit } pos:=sbpos+amount if( pos<sbmin ) { pos:=sbmin } if( pos>sbmax ) { pos:=sbmax } sendmessage msg,pos<<16|4,,,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit } } sendscroll(dir,amount) { t:=a_tickcount msg:=( dir=="v" ? 0x115 : 0x114 ) flag:=( amount<0 ? 0 : 1 ) loop % abs(amount) { sb:=dllcall("GetScrollInfo","uint",ctrl,"int",(dir=="v"?1:0),"uint",&sbinfo) if( sb ) { sbmin:=numget(sbinfo,8,"int") sbmax:=numget(sbinfo,12,"int") sbpage:=numget(sbinfo,16,"uint") sbpos:=numget(sbinfo,20,"int") if( ( sbpos==sbmin and amount<0 ) or ( sbpos+sbpage==sbmax+1 and amount>0 ) ) { return } } sendmessage msg,flag,,,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } } sendscrolltoscrollbar(name,amount) { t:=a_tickcount flag:=( amount<0 ? 0 : 1 ) loop % abs(amount) { sendmessage 0x115,flag,,%name%,ahk_id %ctrl%,,,,timelimit if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } } sendscrolltoscrollbarparent(name,dir,amount) { sb:=getdescendant(parent,name) sbp:=getparent(sb) t:=a_tickcount msg:=( dir=="v" ? 0x115 : 0x114 ) flag:=( amount<0 ? 0 : 1 ) loop % abs(amount) { sendmessage msg,flag,sb,,ahk_id %sbp%,,,,timelimit if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } } sendkeys(dir,amount) { t:=a_tickcount key:=( dir=="v" ? ( amount<0 ? "" : "" ) : ( amount<0 ? "" : "" ) ) loop % abs(amount) { controlsend, ,%key%,ahk_id %ctrl% if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { return } } } sendkeystoscrollbar(name,amount) { t:=a_tickcount key:=( amount<0 ? "" : "" ) controlget e,enabled,,%name%,ahk_id %parent% if( e==1 ) { loop % abs(amount) { controlsend %name%,%key%,ahk_id %parent% if( a_tickcount-t>=timelimit ) { break } } } } 

The code is too long so it is split into two answers, and see the third answer for the instructions.

Code Part 2

scrollbuttonreset: scrollsticky:=0 return scrollbuttoncannotclick: scrolldrag:=1 righttopress:=0 return clickreset: clicksticky:=0 return scrollbuttondown: critical on mousegetpos mx,my gettarget() sx:=0 sy:=0 totalx:=0 totaly:=0 settimer scroll,-%interval% settimer scrollbuttonreset,off return scrollbuttonup: critical on if( scrolldrag==0 and scrollsticky==0 ) { handling++ sendevent {%buttonoriginal% down} sendevent {%buttonoriginal% up} handling-- scrolling:=0 } scrolldrag:=0 righttopress:=0 settimer scrollbuttondown,off settimer scrollbuttoncannotclick,off scrollsticky:=1 settimer scrollbuttonreset,-%resetdelay% return leftdown: critical on lefttopress:=0 handling++ sendevent handling-- return rightdown: critical on righttopress:=0 handling++ sendevent handling-- return middledown: critical on scrolling:=0 scrolldrag:=0 middlepressed:=1 settimer scrollbuttondown,off settimer scrollbuttoncannotclick,off handling++ sendevent handling-- return leftup: critical on handling++ sendevent handling-- clicksticky:=1 settimer clickreset,-%resetdelay% return rightup: critical on handling++ sendevent handling-- clicksticky:=1 settimer clickreset,-%resetdelay% return middleup: critical on middlepressed:=0 handling++ sendevent handling-- clicksticky:=1 settimer clickreset,-%resetdelay% return leftclick: critical on gosub leftdown gosub leftup return rightclick: critical on gosub rightdown gosub rightup return // Mouse handler // handlemouse(nCode,wParam,lParam) { critical on if( a_ispaused==1 ) { exitapp // something goes wrong if it remains paused } o:=0 if( handling==0 && nCode>=0 ) { if( wParam==0x201 ) { leftphysical:=1 } else if( wParam==0x204 ) { rightphysical:=1 } else if( wParam==0x202 ) { leftphysical:=0 } else if( wParam==0x205 ) { rightphysical:=0 } if( wParam==0x200 ) { // Handle mouse move // mousegetpos mx,my x:=numget(lParam+0,0,"int") // the "+0" is necessary! y:=numget(lParam+0,4,"int") // the "+0" is necessary! dx:=x-mx dy:=y-my if( scrolling==0 ) { // Click immediately on mouse drag // if( leftrighttomiddle==1 ) { if( lefttopress==1 ) { settimer leftdown,-0 } if( righttopress==1 ) { settimer rightdown,-0 } } // Adjust mouse movement // moveadjust(dx,dy) handling++ mousemove dx,dy,0,R handling-- if( dbg ) { message( "Origin = " mx " " my "`nMove = " x-mx " " y-my "`n -> " dx " " dy ) } // Release mouse buttons if out of sync with physical state // if( getkeystate("LButton")>leftphysical ) { settimer leftup,-0 } if( getkeystate("RButton")>rightphysical ) { settimer rightup,-0 } o:=1 } else { // Handle mouse move when scrolling // if( dx!=0 or dy!=0 ) { sx+=( dx>0 ? scrollamount(dx) : -scrollamount(-dx) ) sy+=( dy>0 ? scrollamount(dy) : -scrollamount(-dy) ) if( dbg ) { message( "Origin = " mx " " my "`nMove = " dx " " dy "`n -> " round(sx,2) " " round(sy,2) ) } } o:=1 } } else if( scrolling==0 ) { if( wParam==buttondown and middlepressed==0 and lefttopress==0 ) { // Handle scroll button down // if( getkeystate("Ctrl")==0 and getkeystate("Shift")==0 and getkeystate("Alt")==0 ) { // Handle scroll start // scrolling:=1 scrolldrag:=0 if( buttondown==0x204 ) { righttopress:=1 } settimer scrollbuttondown,-0 settimer scrollbuttoncannotclick,-%clicklimit% o:=1 } } } else if( scrolling==1 ) { if( wParam==buttonup ) { // Handle scroll button up // scrolling:=0 settimer scrollbuttonup,-0 o:=1 } } if( leftrighttomiddle==1 and o==0 ) { if( middlepressed==1 ) { // Release middle button only when both left and right buttons are released // if( leftphysical==0 and rightphysical==0 ) { settimer middleup,-0 } o:=1 } else if( scrolldrag==0 ) { // Process left+right=middle // if( wParam==0x201 and scrollsticky==0 ) { // Handle left button down // if( righttopress==0 ) { if( clicksticky==1 ) { settimer leftdown,-0 } else { lefttopress:=1 settimer leftdown,-%clicklimit% } } else { righttopress:=0 settimer rightdown,off settimer middledown,-0 } o:=1 } else if( wParam==0x204 and scrollsticky==0 ) { // Handle right button down // if( lefttopress==0 ) { if( clicksticky==1 ) { settimer rightdown,-0 } else { righttopress:=1 settimer rightdown,-%clicklimit% } } else { lefttopress:=0 settimer leftdown,off settimer middledown,-0 } o:=1 } else if( wParam==0x202 ) { // Handle left button up // if( lefttopress==1 ) { settimer leftdown,off settimer leftclick,-0 } else { settimer leftup,-0 } o:=1 } else if( wParam==0x205 ) { // Handle right button up // if( righttopress==1 ) { settimer rightdown,off settimer rightclick,-0 } else { settimer rightup,-0 } o:=1 } } } } // Pass on any other mouse events // if( o==0 ) { o:=dllcall("CallNextHookEx","uint",mousehook,"int",nCode,"uint",wParam,"uint",lParam) } return o } // Utilities // rtoz(r) { return ( r>0 ? floor(r) : ceil(r) ) } getparent(handle) { return dllcall("GetParent","uint",handle) } getancestor(handle,steps) { if( steps==0 ) { return handle } if( steps>0 ) { return getancestor(getparent(handle),steps-1) } return "" } getname(root,handle) { local CH,CN,S,P WinGet, CH, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %root% WinGet, CN, ControlList, ahk_id %root% setformat integerfast,h handle+=0 handle.="" setformat integerfast,d LF:= "`n", CH:= LF CH LF, CN:= LF CN LF, S:= SubStr( CH, 1, InStr( CH, LF handle LF ) ) StringReplace, S, S,`n,`n, UseErrorLevel StringGetPos, P, CN, `n, L%ErrorLevel% Return SubStr( CN, P+2, InStr( CN, LF, 0, P+2 ) -P-2 ) } getdescendant(handle,name) { local CH,CN,S,P WinGet, CH, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %handle% WinGet, CN, ControlList, ahk_id %handle% setformat integerfast,h handle+=0 handle.="" setformat integerfast,d LF:= "`n", CH:= LF CH LF, CN:= LF CN LF, S:= SubStr( CN, 1, InStr( CN, LF name LF ) ) StringReplace, S, S,`n,`n, UseErrorLevel StringGetPos, P, CH, `n, L%ErrorLevel% Return SubStr( CH, P+2, InStr( CH, LF, 0, P+2 ) -P-2 )*1 } getnameatroot(handle) { return getname(dllcall("GetAncestor","uint",handle,"uint",2),handle) } getnameaschild(handle) { return getname(getparent(handle),handle) } getclass(handle) { local class wingetclass class,ahk_id %handle% return class } gettitle(handle) { local title wingettitle title,ahk_id %handle% return title } getposition(handle,byref left,byref top,byref right,byref bottom) { local rect varsetcapacity(rect,16) dllcall("GetWindowRect","uint",handle,"uint",&rect) left:=numget(rect,0,"int") top:=numget(rect,4,"int") right:=numget(rect,8,"int") bottom:=numget(rect,12,"int") } getctrlat2(x,y,first,current) { /* Pushes the following invisible container controls to the back because they are in front of their contents for no reason SysTabControl32 : The usual class that contains tabbed panes ( Mouse properties, ... ) Static : A class occasionally used to contain tabbed panes ( Programmer's Notepad Options > Fonts and Colours > Advanced, ... ) Button : A typical class used to contain a List Box ( Outlook Contact > Properties > General > Members, ... ) Executes WindowFromPoint again to access the contents of such container controls */ local handle,class,style class:=getclass(current) winget style,style,ahk_id %current% if( class=="SysTabControl32" or class=="Static" or ( class=="Button" and (style&0x7)==0x7 ) ) { dllcall("SetWindowPos","uint",current,"uint",1,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0,"uint",0x3) // push it to the back where it belongs handle:=dllcall("WindowFromPoint","int",x,"int",y) //handle:=DllCall( "WindowFromPoint", "int64", (y << 32) | (x & 0xFFFFFFFF), "Ptr") // for negative 64-bit if( handle==first ) { return first } return getctrlat2(x,y,first,handle) } return current } getctrlat(x,y) { local handle handle:=dllcall("WindowFromPoint","int",x,"int",y) //handle:=DllCall( "WindowFromPoint", "int64", (y << 32) | (x & 0xFFFFFFFF), "Ptr") // for negative 64-bit return getctrlat2(x,y,handle,handle) } getwindow(handle) { return dllcall("GetAncestor","uint",handle,"uint",2) } Acc_Init() { Static h If Not h h:=DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str","oleacc","Ptr") } Acc_ObjectFromWindow(hWnd, idObject = -4) { local o Acc_Init() o:=DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", idObject&=0xFFFFFFFF, "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x46000000000000C0:0x719B3800AA000C81 ,NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x0000000000020400:0x11CF3C3D618736E0,IID,"Int64") ,"Int64") ,"Ptr*", pacc) if( o==0 ) Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1) }