Функция «Отправить» в AutoIt ничего не делает, независимо от ввода


Мы пытаемся автоматизировать некоторые вещи с помощью AutoIt, но у нас есть проблема с Sendфункцией. Независимо от того, что мы даем, функция ничего не делает. Send("Foo bar")ничего не делает, ничего Send("^a")не делает и т.д.

Использование ControlSend("", "", "", "Hello")работает, но мы теряем заглавные буквы. Весь текст в нижнем регистре. Кроме того, такие вещи "^a"не работают, и мы должны использовать "a", что является болью.

Мы попробовали Google, почему Sendфункция не работает, но во всех случаях мы просто обнаруживаем, что у данного человека был какой-то вызов функции «ожидания» перед тем, как он никогда не возвращался. Мы не можем найти случаев, когда функция Sendопределенно вызывается, но просто ничего не делает.

Добавление #RequireAdminв начало файла не помогло.

Мы используем полностью обновленную текущую версию Windows 10 Enterprise.

Попробуйте это, что хорошо для меня, сначала убедитесь, что окно, в котором нужно выбрать все файлы и т. Д., Активируется с помощью ** `WinActivate ("")`**, then on the next line put **`Sleep(500)`**, and then on the next line put **`Send("^a")`** this should work fine. You may need to post some of your logic that is necessary for others to test if this doesn't work for you. If you do still have problems, post the bare minimum code needed to replicate your problem and I'll give it a test run if so. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566123" class="comment"> <div class="body"> infinite upvote to this answer. It saved me lot of time for scrolling the list of many files. Thanks buddy </div> </div> <div data-id="1566124" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The easy way to "repair" the slot is to get a new motherboard and replace it. The more complex and skilled way is to get a schematic, multi meter, and some fancy soldering tools. Then you test readings along the motherboard and see what part is bad and replace it. However, the advanced method is not something just anyone can do. I'd stick with replacing the motherboard. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566125" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @DrZoo changing the motherboard is going to cost me a lot I think and I think it's not easy to find :/ the method two seems hard too :/ I'll take a look into that, but I don't think I will do it. If nothing works, I think I will use a 8 GB in the 1st slot (instead of 2 x 4GB), do you think it'll change something in performances ? (I heard about dual channeling, things like that) </div> </div> <div data-id="1566127" class="comment"> <div class="body"> For some reason I was thinking it doesnt remove all updates and registry settings. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566129" class="comment"> <div class="body"> The OS doesn't calculate the CPU speed, that's reported to the OS by the hardware. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566130" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Verify the failed rows in `make` because they indicate problems during the compilation. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566131" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I haven't tested with any system (but will do soon) . I do also think that once we remove the software and try to install it again, the updates weill be needed. But my question is what happens to current updates/files, you screenshotted Visio (have you uninstalled the software and still see the updates, just to confirm)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566134" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Yes it can have a performance impact. What do you mostly do on your laptop? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566137" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Just look at the documentation: [https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate#differentcodec](https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate#differentcodec) </div> </div> <div data-id="1566139" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Please note that HTTPS Everywhere has a slightly misleading name. It's rule-based, so you need manually "whitelist" a website to be forced to go for HTTPS instead of HTTP if they're not [pre-configured with the addon](https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/atlas/). It should be named **"HTTPS Everywhere Configured In the Ruleset"**. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566141" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Office 2016 has dropped Automator support. Could this be the reason you can't see that option? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566143" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That's only for MP3s or for formats that support ID3 tags. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566145" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @Archemar Same server and client (putty, actually) were used all the time. Passwords were made with no expiration date; also the user accounts were created at different times so they shouldn't expire at the same moment anyway </div> </div> <div data-id="1566147" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Sizer doesn't fully support Windows 10. However, you can still use Sizer by hovering on one of the window corners and whenever the pointer change to Two-directions arrows, just right-click, and the Sizer menu will popup, enabling you to resize the window from the saved presets. One other thing, if you see any hangs on the windows, just change the Compatibility to Windows 7 and run Sizer as an administration, thus could solve your problem temporarily until the next release of Sizer. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566150" class="comment"> <div class="body"> X11-only solution is also acceptable. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566151" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @magicandre1981 http://www.filedropper.com/explorerexe6920dmp </div> </div> <div data-id="1566152" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @ysap another good reason is [HTTP2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2) </div> </div> <div data-id="1566153" class="comment"> <div class="body"> yes and you can use a search box separately :) </div> </div> <div data-id="1566154" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @GambleNerd Cannot find the server. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566155" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Not fully clear, should I select "Quick" format or "Full" format? Also, should I format the whole drive? Some manuals says that first should be repaired boot sector (as originally there is Ubuntu installed): does this required? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566156" class="comment"> <div class="body"> it supports .mov as well, I think by using existing attribute I could able to save custom data for formats like .mov and .qt </div> </div> <div data-id="1566157" class="comment"> <div class="body"> @MichaelKjörling Do you have a pointer on how to do this (turn on the "Stack Exchange (partial)" rule set manually)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566158" class="comment"> <div class="body"> related: http://superuser.com/questions/107700/how-to-disable-automatic-opening-of-pdf-files-in-chrome </div> </div> <div data-id="1566160" class="comment"> <div class="body"> which error code do you see in device manager? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566161" class="comment"> <div class="body"> That seems to be exactly what Windows is doing. Adding a server location within Caja over SSH seems to change the behavior. I'm not sure exactly how to mount the share using CIFS, but it seems that the problem lies in the how Caja et al mount SMB network shares by default. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566162" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I was thinking the same thing. I actually went ahead and choose ext4. The reason is that exFAT was the original FS by the manufacturer. And I also thought I may be able to use LUKS+exFAT on Windows and Mac with drivers that allow Windows to open LUKS encrypted volumes. But honestly that will decrease security; can't be sure of the security of an OS that's not mine. I'd stick with installed distro to decrypt my Data. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566163" class="comment"> <div class="body"> i have windows 10 laptop , i have installed win 7 in virtual box , i want to install one software in windows 7 rather than windows 10.How to install that software in win 7 </div> </div> <div data-id="1566164" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Why are you asking the same question again? Please don't do that, read and take note of [What should I do if no one answers my question?](http://superuser.com/help/no-one-answers). If you have new information you should edit it into the original question instead of asking a new one. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566333" class="comment"> <div class="body"> I've run both as Administrator which should be able to see everything. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566334" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Service not found. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566337" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well, in that case, you can only connect as many devices as your ISP gives addresses – for residential connections, usually just one. (That's why most people use a router with NAT function – to share one address between multiple devices.) </div> </div> <div data-id="1566338" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Did you try [Repair an Office application](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Repair-an-Office-application-7821d4b6-7c1d-4205-aa0e-a6b40c5bb88b)? </div> </div> <div data-id="1566339" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Well, technically the power pins (first shielding, usually grounded, then power) are always connected first. It’s how USB plugs are designed. :D </div> </div> <div data-id="1566343" class="comment"> <div class="body"> It’s probably running in a different security context. This context evidently doesn’t have access to the share. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566346" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Still without a solution unfortunately. </div> </div> <div data-id="1566347" class="comment"> <div class="body"> Ok. It may be caused by the language setting. Pl check this out: [keyboard shortcuts - Change Properties accelerator in windows 8 context menu - Super User](http://superuser.com/questions/545344/change-properties-accelerator-in-windows-8-context-menu?rq=1) </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> Pimp Juice IT 7 лет назад 0
Вы когда-нибудь понимали это? William 5 лет назад 0
@William Извините, я думаю, что сдался Hubro 5 лет назад 0

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