The quick and clean solution
Edit your ~/.bashrc to run screen -r. Then you will be reattached to a running screen session automatically when you log in.
The fulfilling solution
- Create a user for each screen session (Windows-window/PuTTY session) you intend to have open as a maximum.
- Connect to the server using each of the newly created users and run "screen -S username" to start a session named with their username.
- Append "screen -r $(whoami)" to each user's ~/.bashrc
- Save a putty session for each of the users on your desktop or in PuTTY to add them to your superbar's jumplist or wherever you want your shortcuts, and use them to start up each session. This will also enable you to
EDIT: I would preferrably focus on fixing the timeout issue. It's a security feature, I know, but it shouldn't disconnect you while you are sending input.