Powerline Patched Fonts on OSX 10.9.3 - iTerm2 & Chrome


I'm looking for a working solution for rendering powerline characters on OSX in iTerm2 and Chrome. There's a lot of documentation around I've attempted to use several methods, none seem to work correctly so far (though prepatched fonts with fontbook partially works). Details included below.

  1. Is there a working method for getting the powerline glyphs to render correctly in iTerm2 on OSX 10.9.3?
  2. Should the powerline glyphs be rendering correctly in web pages? Any idea why they are not and how I can fix it?

How does the rendering of these characters work (at a system/application level)? Does it differ from application to application? In chrome, if the current font does not contain bindings for the glyphs, will chrome attempt to find the bindings in another font present on the system and use those? Is there any way to provide bindings for this unicode characters at a system level so that they will render using that font, regardless of the font that is being used?

Unicode Private Area Characters

If I understand the way powerline-compatible patched fonts work, they bind scalable graphics to specific values in the unicode private use area:

U+E0A0  Version control branch U+E0A1  LN (line) symbol U+E0A2  Closed padlock U+E0B0  Rightwards black arrowhead U+E0B1  Rightwards arrowhead U+E0B2  Leftwards black arrowhead U+E0B3  Leftwards arrowhead 

To test the glyphs in a terminal, I've read that this should work:

echo -e "\ue0a0\ue0a1\ue0a2\ue0b0\ue0b1\ue0b2\ue0b3" 

However it does not work for me (OSX 10.9.3, iTerm2, zsh) even with a powerline-patched font installed and iTerm2 configured to use one of those fonts.

I've tried several methods for installing the patched fonts:

FontBook & Prepatched Fonts

I downloaded the fonts from Localtog/powerline-fonts and installed them using FontBook. On same pages, some of the glyphs render but others do not. On other pages, none of the glyphs render:

Agnoster Theme Powerline Documentation

In iTerm2 (this happens with all of the powerline fonts I've tested), some of the characters render, but others do not:

iTerm2 & zsh

In macvim (terminal) with vim-airline installed, some of the characters render, but some render incorrectly:



I uninstalled all the powerline-patched fonts, installed fontconfig with homebrew, installed the powerline font, and rebuilt the font cache:

wget -P ~/.fonts/ https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/raw/develop/font/PowerlineSymbols.otf wget -P ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/ https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/raw/develop/font/10-powerline-symbols.conf fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts 

The font was detected and fontconfig said it was installed, however it did not appear in FontBook and I was unable to select it in iTerm2.

After running this, I removed the fonts, reran fc-cache, and uninstalled fontconfig.

I am currently using the prepatched fonts installed in fontbook, which partially work, but I'm hoping someone can help me understand the issue a little bit better so I can find a working solution.


This method seems to make everything work in iTerm2, though I am still unsure about chrome/system rendering issues.


Install fontforge with python bindings:

brew install fontforge --with-python 

Install powerline-fontpatcher:

mkdir -p ~/.local/src git clone https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fontpatcher.git ~/.local/src/powerline-fontpatcher cd ~/.local/src/powerline-fontpatcher && python setup.py install && cd export powerline_symbols=~/.local/src/powerline-fontpatcher/fonts/powerline-symbols.sfd 

Download, patch & install font:

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/sourcecodepro.adobe/files/SourceCodePro_FontsOnly-1.017.zip unzip SourceCodePro_FontsOnly-1.017.zip find SourceCodePro_FontsOnly-1.017/TTF -name \*.ttf -exec powerline-fontpatcher --source-font=$powerline_symbols --no-rename {} \; mv *.ttf /Library/Fonts 

2 ответа на вопрос


Просто установите шрифт Input Mono, поставляется с полной поддержкой Powerline.

Чтобы следующее работало, шрифт Input Mono должен быть версии 1.1. Вы можете проверить версию шрифта, перейдя по ссылке Font Book → View → Show Font Info, и посмотреть номер версии.

С Terminal.app работает из коробки. Просто выберите шрифт, и вы готовы.

С iTerm2 вы должны изменить несколько вещей:

  • Перейдите в «Настройки» → «Профили» → «Текст» и снимите флажок «Использовать другой шрифт для текста, не относящегося к ASCII».
  • Чуть выше нажмите Change Fontи выберите Input Mono. Дополнительно вы должны изменить Character Spacing → Verticalна 110%. Кажется, что Terminal и iTerm2 отображают интервал между символами по-другому.
Снятие отметки «Использовать другой шрифт для текста без ASCII». camomileCase 7 лет назад 0
Thomas Ross

Chances are you haven't updated bash. OS X ships with bash < 4, so you cannot printf or echo -e unicode codes.

Steps to update bash with homebrew:

  1. brew install bash
  2. Find the prefix of the bash installed by homebrew, mine was /usr/local/Cellar/bash/4.3.30/, so my bash binary was /usr/local/Cellar/bash/4.3.30/bin/bash.
  3. sudo (vim|nano|emacs|etc) /etc/shells
  4. Get said bash path, and add it to the end of the list(or replace /usr/bin, if you're really brave.)
  5. chsh
  6. Change the Shell: line to match your bash path.
  7. Restart your term.

And you should be fixed.

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