Как увеличить размер шрифта командной строки в вимператоре / пентадактиле?

The Unfun Cat

Что мне вставить в мой, .vimperatorrcчтобы увеличить размер шрифта командной строки?


1 ответ на вопрос

Dmitry Alexandrov

You can set font sizes in css. These css settings can be applied with the hi[ghlight] command. E. g.:

:hi CmdLine -append font-size:16px 

To view a list of all settings that are possible to change with the highlight command, see :help :hi.

For example, you would most likely also like to increase the size of the descriptions of the completion items too. This can be done with the following setting:

:hi CompDesc -append font-size:16px 

To use these automatically on startup, just open the file ~/.vimperatorrc and add them there, without the leading colon.

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