В чем разница между «привязка к символу» и «привязка как символ» в openoffice writer?


OpenOffice Writer (swriter.exe) имеет несколько опций для привязки графического объекта в документе, включая привязку к странице, привязку к абзацу, привязку к символу и привязку как символ . В чем разница между двумя последними? Я не понял этого, так как никакие видимые различия, казалось, не были видны после применения любого из двух.


1 ответ на вопрос


What is the difference between "anchor to character" and "anchor as character"

To Character

  • The graphic is associated with a character but is not in the text sequence.
  • It moves with the paragraph but may be placed in the margin or another location.
  • This method is similar to anchoring to a paragraph but cannot be used with drawing objects.

As Character

  • The graphic is placed in the document like any other character and, therefore, affects the height of the text line and the line break.
  • The graphic moves with the paragraph as you add or delete text before the paragraph.
  • This method is useful for keeping screenshots in sequence in a procedure (by anchoring them as a character in a blank paragraph) or for adding a small (inline) icon in sequence in a sentence.

Source Arranging, anchoring, and aligning

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