DNS и регистратор


Если я настрою DNS-сервер, скажем, в моем доме, как с сервером Windows. Смогу ли я получить домен .com, который будет работать с моими играми, такими как Minecraft или TF2? Или мне все равно придется платить за регистратора? Я долго задавался этим вопросом.


2 ответа на вопрос


You could set up a DNS server at home that would have an authoritative record for your domain name. You would still have to pay a registrar for a domain name. A registrar must be accredited by the top level domain registry. In the current system new registrars must pay 4,000USD plus a variable fee totaling 3,800,000USD.

Clinton Minton

No. Just because you can install a DNS server on your computer doesn't mean you will be able to get authority over an Internet domain name. Internet domains have to be "rented" in 1 to 10 year contracts - even Google and Facebook must renew theirs. As long as you keep renewing before it expires you can use it indefinitely.

If you decide to get a domain name, make sure to use a registrar that also provides free DNS service. You don't want to be running a DNS server on the same computer that is running the game server, you want your DNS service to have some form of redundancy and fault tolerance, i.e. at least 2 machines with 2 different Internet connections, geographically dispersed preferably.

For games that have an in-game server browser(i.e. TF2) there really isn't a reason to link a public domain name to it since they will allow you to set the hostname in the game's server configuration.