Настройка InfoPath Designer в качестве программы по умолчанию для открытия XML-файлов


Мне нужно, чтобы Infopath Designer 2010 был основной программой для открытия файлов xml / xms вместо Infopath Filler. Не могу сделать это с помощью программ Windows по умолчанию или связанного типа файлов.


2 ответа на вопрос


find a xml/xms file, right click it and to go "Open With" wait for the menu to appear. The last option should be "Choose default program". If this isn't an option, and it isn't yet associated with a default program. just double click it and choose program.

In the "Open With" dialog (With all the options for opening the program) select the program you want to open the file with, and at the bottom will be a check box.

"Always use the selected program to open this kind of file."

then click ok

Pro Tip: There is a browse button to find the specific program you want. If your having trouble locating it, Find it's icon on the desktop, Right click the icon, and "Open File Location", Then take note of it's path.

Это не будет работать для Infopath Designer. Designer использует тот же .exe, что и Filler - диалоговое окно «Программы по умолчанию» не может их различить. Nathan 9 лет назад 0

While Oxymoron's answer is correct for most programs, it is not helpful for Infopath Designer. Designer uses the same .exe as Filler - it just requires an argument:

"C:\<Path>\Infopath.exe" /design

In XP, you can edit the Default Programs path to include this argument. Vista and 7 do not allow you to do this, even if you point the Default Programs dialog to your Designer shortcut.

To get around this issue, use the Default Programs Editor described in this answer.

  1. Go to File Type Settings > Context Menu. Search for ".xsn". Select it from the list and continue.
  2. Edit the Open command. Change Program path from "C:\<Path>\Infopath.exe" "%1" to "C:\<Path>\Infopath.exe" /design "%1".
  3. Continue and click Save Context Menu.

Default Programs Editor does not need to be installed to run. However, if using a third-party program is not an option, the most useful alternative I know of is to right-click the form file and select Design instead of Open. If Designer is installed, it should be an option in the context menu.

Note: "<Path>" in all paths is a placeholder for your own Office/Infopath directory.

Этот ответ по-прежнему относится к Windows 7, Office 2013. Если вы хотите использовать конструктор, вы должны знать переключатель / дизайн. Раздражает. DoWhileNot 8 лет назад 0

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