Use registry keys available to the user. Configuration Files. Almost all information is available to read and to receive it is not prohibited. The biggest problem is that you probably can not read the security log of a user without administrative rights. All other magazines are available for reading. That is, diagnosis, a list of the software, except logs security events will be available. Further, the prevailing majority of people working in the Windows Family systems under the Provo administrator. And if you added a manifesto of its executable file, then the interaction with the protection UAC will only happen once. Moreover simple queries like:
test user account local administrator workstation:
wmic NETLOGIN Where (Caption="%username%" AND Privileges=2) get Caption, Name, FullName, NumberOfLogons, PrimaryGroupId, Workstations, BadPasswordCount, LogonServer
test user account Active Directory administrator domain:
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(name=%username%)(adminCount=1))" -attr name mail sn givenName userAccountControl
help you determine the level of user rights.
Use wmic
or WSH (vbscript).
example: Batch file which takes care of finding all unprotected accounts and feeds that to vbscript
way 2, need run "Help and Support" service:
SET msinfo32="%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe" REM xml report: msinfo32 /computer w17 /nfo w17.nfo /categories +all REM nfo(ini) report: msinfo32 /computer w17 /report w17.txt /categories +all