Yes, you can use AutoHotKey. I'm sure somebody else could whip this up in no time, but I can at least imagine a possible structure to the script:
- Define a Suspend hotkey and start suspended, so that you can use your keyboard when you don't want to be mashing. Alternatively, or in addition, use #IfWinActive to restrict the mashing-keys function to the one window within which you will be doing this.
- Read a plain-text file into memory.
- Stack multiple hotkey definitions for pretty much every key on the keyboard for your one script action.
- Use StringLeft and StringTrimLeft to retrieve a single character from your big variable and delete it from the variable.
- Use Send to send the character that you grabbed. You may need to do a little replacement or conditional to handle sending
, but maybe not.
Here's my script:
#UseHook ; Avoid loops of the Send command triggering the hotkey again. AutoTrim, Off ; Don't auto-trim spaces and tabs from the beginning and end of the sourcetext. SendMode InputThenPlay ; Try to prevent the user from corrupting the buffer text. Suspend, On ; Start suspended FileRead, MasherBuffer, magic-button-masher-text.txt if ErrorLevel MasherBuffer = Type or paste text here. You can also drag-and-drop text files here. Gui, +Resize +MinSize400x200 Gui, Add, Text,, When you are ready, un-suspend this script (Ctrl and `` together will toggle the suspension).`nType any character on the main QWERTY keyboard to send the characters from the buffer instead. Gui, Add, Edit, vMasherBuffer, %MasherBuffer% Gui, Show,, Magic Button Masher Buffer Return GuiSize: if ErrorLevel = 1 ; The window has been minimized. No action needed. return ; Otherwise, the window has been resized or maximized. Resize the MasherBuffer control to match. NewWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20 NewHeight := A_GuiHeight - 50 GuiControl, Move, MasherBuffer, W%NewWidth% H%NewHeight% return GuiDropFiles: Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n { FileRead, AddToBuffer, %A_LoopField% MasherBuffer = %MasherBuffer%`n`n%AddToBuffer% } GuiControl,, MasherBuffer, %MasherBuffer% return ^`::Suspend !`::Gui, Show,, Magic Button Masher Buffer ; #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad ; This limits the button masher to Notepad. `:: 1:: 2:: 3:: 4:: 5:: 6:: 7:: 8:: 9:: 0:: -:: =:: q:: w:: e:: r:: t:: y:: u:: i:: o:: p:: [:: ]:: \:: a:: s:: d:: f:: g:: h:: j:: k:: l:: `;:: ':: z:: x:: c:: v:: b:: n:: m:: ,:: .:: /:: Space:: GuiControlGet, MasherBuffer StringLeft, outbound, MasherBuffer, 1 StringTrimLeft, MasherBuffer, MasherBuffer, 1 GuiControl,, MasherBuffer, %MasherBuffer% if outbound = %A_Space% Send else if outbound = %A_Tab% Send else Send {%outbound%} return
You can make this only work in Notepad by uncommenting the #IfWinActive bit.
I have Ctrl+` defined as a hotkey to suspend the script.