Чтобы продемонстрировать мой комментарий:
:: Q:\Test\2018\08\10\SU_1347898.cmd @Echo off cls ( Echo normal output 1 redirected with the code block net file returns an error Echo *** this line should go directly to Console *** >CON: Echo normal output 2 redirected with the code block ) 1>SU_1347898_.txt 2>SU_1347898_Error.log echo( findstr "^" %~n0_*
Образец вывода:
*** this line should go directly to Console *** SU_1347898_Error.log:Die Syntax dieses Befehls lautet: SU_1347898_Error.log: SU_1347898_Error.log:NET FILE SU_1347898_Error.log:[id [/CLOSE]] SU_1347898_Error.log: SU_1347898_.txt:normal output 1 redirected with the code block SU_1347898_.txt:normal output 2 redirected with the code block