PXE Netboot с ПК с Windows 7 с использованием тайм-аута TFTP32 E32


Я пытаюсь загрузить компьютер по сети без CD-привода и без параметров загрузки с USB (доступно в BIOS, но не распознает USB, возможно, оно повреждено).

В любом случае вот журнал из TFTP32:

Rcvd DHCP Discover Msg for IP, Mac 00:1F:D0:8D:8B:09 [06/12 13:06:48.916] DHCP: proposed address [06/12 13:06:48.917] Rcvd DHCP Rqst Msg for IP, Mac 00:1F:D0:8D:8B:09 [06/12 13:06:51.113] Previously allocated address acked [06/12 13:06:51.113] Connection received from on port 2070 [06/12 13:06:51.125] Read request for file <netboot\pxelinux.0>. Mode octet [06/12 13:06:51.126] Using local port 53708 [06/12 13:06:51.127] Connection received from on port 2071 [06/12 13:06:53.125] Read request for file <netboot\pxelinux.0>. Mode octet [06/12 13:06:53.126] Using local port 53709 [06/12 13:06:53.127] Connection received from on port 2072 [06/12 13:06:57.136] Read request for file <netboot\pxelinux.0>. Mode octet [06/12 13:06:57.137] Using local port 53710 [06/12 13:06:57.137] Connection received from on port 2073 [06/12 13:07:03.122] Read request for file <netboot\pxelinux.0>. Mode octet [06/12 13:07:03.123] Using local port 53711 [06/12 13:07:03.124] TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #1 [06/12 13:07:06.129] TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #1 [06/12 13:07:08.129] Connection received from on port 2074 [06/12 13:07:11.086] Read request for file <netboot\pxelinux.0>. Mode octet [06/12 13:07:11.087] Using local port 53717 [06/12 13:07:11.088] TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #1 [06/12 13:07:12.139] TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #1 [06/12 13:07:18.126] TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #1 [06/12 13:07:26.090] 

Также, когда я пингую компьютер, я получаю:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Destination net unreachable. Reply from Destination net unreachable. Reply from Destination net unreachable. Reply from Destination net unreachable.  Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), PS C:\Windows\system32> 

Если у кого-то есть какие-либо идеи относительно того, как я мог бы исправить это, это было бы очень ценно.

С уважением


Дополнительная информация, которая может быть полезна

  1. Я не использую перекрестный кабель; тем не менее, сетевая карта на моем серверном компьютере является гигабитной, но я не уверен, означает ли это, что мне все еще нужен перекрестный кабель. Два компьютера соединены только быстрым Ethernet-коммутатором.

  2. Конечная цель сетевой загрузки - установить Debian на клиентский компьютер. В настоящее время я использую сервер Apache, но я еще не выяснил, какими будут следующие шаги. Я загружаю pxelinux.0 (пока не совсем уверен, что это на самом деле, я получил его из файла tar.gz Debian, который я скачал из сети, следуя инструкциям здесь ).


2 ответа на вопрос


You definitely have a problem with the IP SubNets. With one machine on 10.20.21.x and the other on 192.168.2.x you are on completely different network types. You will likely want to speak with a network admin or someone who knows about networking. Both machines need to be within the same network and on the same SubNet unless you have opened your TFTP server's switch to the other SubNet.

Ozzy S

I ran into the same "timeout waiting for ack" problem a while back with tftpd32. What fixed the problem for me was temporarily disabling my firewall on the Windows computer. After it could communicate without the firewall interfering, my transfer went through. As mentioned in a different blog you may also want to make sure that you have configured everything correctly on the TFTP Server tab in the options (e.g. pxe compatibility) and make sure that the subnet for the DHCP server matches the subnet of the interface that you are plugging the computer into and that there is no other DHCP server on your network when you are working on this.

Turning off your firewall can be dangerous, so be careful and don't forget to re-enable it!


Now that I've re-read that and thought about it more, it looks like it is definitely a problem with your ip addressing. From the ping output it looks like your windows computer has an IP of and the computer you want to deploy to gets an IP address of from tftp32. Since they are on different networks, with your described setup they have no way of talking with each other. In order for this to work, you would have to edit either the DHCP pool in tftp32 or change your computer's IP to a static address in the correct network to match the DHCP pool.