After much internal infighting, I utilized a combination of VBScript and command line. Since there doesn't appear to be a WMI methodology to grab the signal strength anymore, and since I'd prefer to collect the information over a short period of time and average it, I'm using VBScript to execute NETSH and pull the data I need.
This could absolutely be quickly modified to repeat endlessly so you could walk around with your laptop to determine signal strength in different areas (although, absolutely not recommended because far superior 3rd-party software packages exist).
dim obj_shell, obj_cmdexectestWLAN, var_line, obj_cmdexec, var_signalstrength, var_testinterval, var_counter, var_dots, var_arraycontents, var_item, var_average, var_multiplier, arr_signalstrength() var_testinterval = 1000 'in milliseconds var_counter = 0 var_dots = "." 'this is for a cheap progress bar set obj_shell = wscript.createobject("WScript.Shell") set obj_cmdexectestWLAN = obj_shell.exec("%comspec% /C netsh wlan show interfaces") var_line = obj_cmdexectestWLAN.stdout.readline() if instr(var_line, "not running") = 0 then function func_getwirelesssignalstrength() set obj_cmdexec = obj_shell.Exec("%comspec% /C netsh wlan show interfaces | FIND ""Signal""") var_line = obj_cmdexec.stdout.readline() var_line = replace(var_line,"Signal : ","") var_line = replace(var_line,"%","") var_line = trim(var_line) if isnumeric(var_line) then func_getwirelesssignalstrength = var_line else func_getwirelesssignalstrength = "Error" end if end function do while var_counter < 10 '0-based. Gives us 10 samples. If you want a longer interval, you can modify both 'var_counter' at the top and this as well wscript.stdout.write(var_dots & chr(13)) var_signalstrength = func_getwirelesssignalstrength() if isnumeric(var_signalstrength) then if var_counter = 0 then redim arr_signalstrength(0) arr_signalstrength(0) = var_signalstrength else redim preserve arr_signalstrength(ubound(arr_signalstrength) + 1) arr_signalstrength(ubound(arr_signalstrength)) = var_signalstrength end if var_counter = var_counter + 1 var_dots = var_dots & "." wscript.sleep var_testinterval else wscript.echo("Error: Non-numeric value received from NETSH. Quitting...") wscript.quit end if loop for each var_item in arr_signalstrength var_arraycontents = var_arraycontents & var_item & "," var_multiplier = cint(var_multiplier) + cint(var_item) next var_average = var_multiplier/var_counter 'wscript.echo("Multiplier:" & var_multiplier & vbcrlf & "Counter:" & var_counter & vbcrlf & "Average:" & var_average & vbcrlf & "Average Rounded:" & round(var_average,2)) 'test region to see our output in more detail wscript.echo("Values Received: " & var_arraycontents) 'test region to see our array contents wscript.echo("Signal Strength Average: " & round(var_average,2)) else wscript.echo("Error: WLAN Service Not Running") wscript.quit end if