I wrote this in AHK just now as a solution (since you mentioned the wonderful tool). To use it, set Z1
, Z2
, etc. to the desired zoom levels shown in the legend. (If nothing is set for a display it will maximize at 100% zoom.) Then, you can combine Alt with the number key corresponding to any display's number to maximize/zoom Firefox on that display. For example:
Press Alt+1 to maximize the active FF window to zoom level
on the primary displayPress Alt+2 to maximize the active FF window to zoom level
on the secondary display
; Set the zoom levels for FF to maximize to on each display Z1 = 4 ; Primary display zoom level Z2 = 0 ; Secondary display zoom level Z3 = 0 ; etc.. ; Zoom level legend ; 0 = 100% 3 = 133% 6 = 200% ; 1 = 110% 4 = 150% 7 = 240% ; 2 = 120% 5 = 170% 8 = 300% ; Count displays and create hotkeys accordingly sysGet, monitors, 80 loop %monitors% { sysGet, screen, monitor, %a_index% %a_index%_screenTop := screenTop %a_index%_screenLeft := screenLeft hotkey, ifWinActive, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass hotkey, $!%a_index%, moveMaxZoom } moveMaxZoom: winRestore ; Restore window if necessary thisHotkey := regExReplace(a_thisHotkey, "[^0-9A-Za-z]") winMove, a,, %thisHotkey%_screenLeft, %thisHotkey%_screenTop postMessage, 0x112, 0xF030 ; 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF030 = SC_MAXIMIZE Z := Z%thisHotkey% send ^0^{+ %Z%} return