Hate to post a link to Wikipedia, but this page has all the maximum size dimensions of a remarkable number of motherboard sizes and form factors. Probably a good place to start when measuring.
Как определить форм-фактор материнской платы / корпуса
У меня есть старый (не более 5 или 6 лет) Compaq, который я планирую изменить. Материнскую плату и процессор нужно заменить, но я собираюсь снова использовать жесткий диск и оптические приводы. Я также хотел бы иметь возможность повторно использовать случай. Я слышал, что некоторые Compaq (а также Dell, HP и т. Д.) Собирают материнские платы с нестандартными форм-факторами, которые используют только они (продавец). Как я могу определить, может ли кейс принимать стандартный форм-фактор или только специальный форм-фактор Compaq? Сам корпус является стандартным, среднего размера башни.
3 ответа на вопрос
In all likelihood, if the system uses a proprietary form-factor, it probably won't be the actual physical dimensions (width, length) that are the problem but rather the placement of components on the backplane and of the standoff holes.
If the backplane is unusual, you can probably/hopefully just pop in a compatible bezel (figure 1), though the case may not be designed to support replacing the bezel (you may be able to just cut a hole).
If the standoff holes (figure 2) are in the wrong place, then you may have to find other means of securing the board to the case, or if you are lucky, perhaps secure it with just one or two screws.
FormFactors.org has a comprehensive list of form-factors for motherboards, power-supplies, and other components, with links to PDFs of the specifications for each that include dimensions and mounting-hole placements.
Figure 1: Variety of bezels:
Figure 2: Standoff holes:
Look at the wiki link Josh posted. As you heard, many OEMs used to build their mobos to whatever size they pleased. From what I have seen more recently (past 10 years or so) OEMs do build their motherboards to "normal" standards, though they do something silly like putting a metal peg in their case that sticks up through a specially cut hole in their mobo (I'm lookin at you Sony) or angling a corner of the mobo and putting a piece of metal in the case where the angle was cut off (I'm lookin at you Dell). This is done to prevent you from re-purposing your case. The solution in both cases is simple; break out the dremel and go to work on the piece of metal (AFTER removing all electronics from your case of course).
I'll step out on a limb and say your case most likely accepts an mATX, but again, verify this by measuring your old mobo and comparing the results to the Wiki link.
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