Как извлечь Blu-Ray аудио без конвертации?

Kevin Dong

Как сказано avconv(разветвлено ffmpeg), формат аудиопотока Blu-ray называется pcm_bluray, но почему в большинстве уроков написано использование -acodec pcm_s**leфлага ( **зависит от его частоты дискретизации)?

Они одинаковы? Если нет, то как извлечь Blu-ray аудио без какого-либо преобразования?


1 ответ на вопрос


Are they the same?

Not exactly, I think Blu-ray PCM audio is specifically designed for multichannel audio with certain sampling rates. That means, there are multiple PCM audio streams laid out according to the Blu-ray audio format specification.

But still, it's in essence just PCM audio, so it is losslessly stored.

If not, how to extract Blu-ray audio without any conversion?

If your input is labeled as pcm_bluray, you can try copying it to the output with -c:a copy. But I'm not sure if this will work.

Conversion to a "normal" PCM format like -c:a pcm_s16le should always work, though, and it'd introduce no audible loss. The only thing that may be changed in such a case is the bit depth (e.g. from 32 Bit to 16 Bit).

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