Как я могу продолжать использовать Windows на ноутбуке, когда его память испортилась?


У меня малобюджетный ноутбук Asus с плохой памятью (подтверждено memtest) - к сожалению, память припаяна к материнской плате и практически не подлежит замене.

Я могу загрузить Windows 8.1, но через несколько минут Windows вылетит.

Есть ли надежда или использование для такого компьютера?

Части спасения от этого. fixer1234 8 лет назад 0

3 ответа на вопрос


I resolved this issue using an obscure Windows command that allows you to force Windows not to use certain memory addresses.

Here's what I did

1. Run memtest from a bootable USB. I selected every test except for the hammer test. Also I set the CPU settings in memtest to run in parallel (probably doesn't matter, but made the test run faster). Allow memtest to complete all passes.

2. Make a note of the highest and lowest memory error addresses reported by memtest at the end of the test. (In my case the lowest was 0x6424c238 and the highest was 0x6F236258).

3. Boot Windows

4. Open a command prompt (run as administrator) and run the following command
bcdedit /set badmemorylist 0x6
You will need to replace 0x6 with a value you obtained from your high/low values in memtest. I used 0x6 so all memory addresses that start with 0x6 will be ignored - this was the easiest thing to do since all my bad memory had addresses that started with 0x6. You can append additional memory addresses, separated by spaces (e.g. 0x6 0x7 0x8) at the end of the command if you need them. If your bad memory is in a more narrow range than this example, you can make the address more precise (e.g. 0x6424).

5. Tell Windows to avoid the bad memory
bcdedit /set badmemoryaccess no

Hopefully this information will help save a computer or two for someone.

Отличный ответ. Будем надеяться, что OP может загрузиться для внесения этих изменений. +1 Hennes 8 лет назад 0
@Hennes OP ответил на свой вопрос. Отличный ответ. Benthon 8 лет назад 0

If Memtest86 always reports the same addresses as bad, the following may work. I've never tried it.

Run Memtest86 and note the lowest address it returns as bad. Use a hexadecimal-to-decimal calculator to convert the address to decimal, then divide it by 1048576. Subtract 1 from this value.

Bring up the Windows Boot Menu by pressing Space or F8 during boot. When here, press F10, and you will enter a screen where you can enter boot parameters. Enter /MAXMEM=X where X is the value you found out above. (You may also want to try the burnmemory and removememory switches as described here.)

Basically this will tell Windows not to use memory above this address and while you will have reduced RAM it may still work.

However, if your system's memory is defective, it could be the start of other hardware defects that may manifest themselves later. So unless a known event happened to a specific component on your motherboard's computer, I would not trust this system, but you may find it works reliably after testing.

Так что с этим методом, чем выше адрес памяти плохой памяти, тем лучше? Мне придется снова запустить memtest и записать конкретные адреса. Comstock 8 лет назад 0
Thomas Morgan

I have replace permanent memory, it is all up to your skill with a solder iron. You could try an usb flash drive configured to be used as RAM.:

Rename your thumb drive as "RAM DRIVE" or something similar, so you can see which drive is being used as RAM. Delete all the stuff on the flash drive. Check for hidden files. Right click on My Computer, and go to Properties. Once there, click on Advanced and go to the system output's Settings. Click on Advanced, and then Edit. Click on your thumb drive above, and select "user-defined size." Here you can see the size of your flash drive. Calculate the size of the flash drive, and subtract 5 Mb. Type this number in the first box. In the second box, type in the same number. Click Set and confirm all your settings, applying them wherever you can. Restart your computer.

вспышка не оперативная память Hennes 8 лет назад 0
http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/using-memory-storage-device-speed-computer#1TC=windows-7 Thomas Morgan 8 лет назад 0

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