Ошибка установки Tuleap (полная) yum Ошибка зависимости (php-launcher.sh)

Easytrip Reiff

Пытаюсь установить последнюю версию, но она кажется сломанной:

yum install --enablerepo=rpmforge-extras tuleap-all

--> Processing Dependency: /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/php-launcher.sh for package: tuleap-plugin-git-4.85-1.el6.noarch --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: tuleap-plugin-git-4.85-1.el6.noarch (Tuleap) Requires: /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/php-launcher.sh You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodiges 

1 ответ на вопрос

Emanuele Rossi

Maybe you're following the guide available at:


In [rpmforge] section replace set enabled = 0

The RPMFORGE repository must be disabled after the installation. Try to install with the enabled parameter set to 1.