Моя йога LENOVO ideapad держит вентилятор включенным, но не охлаждает ноутбук ....? Зачем?


Последние несколько дней мой ноутбук имеет тенденцию включать вентилятор для охлаждения ноутбука, но безуспешно. Я держу свой ноутбук на столе, где никогда не бывает жарко или слишком пыльно. Я живу в центральной Европе, без пустыни или около того. В любом случае, даже если это ультрабук, он имеет только SSD, он просто перегревается без причины. Сначала я подумал, что выходящий теплый воздух всасывается обратно, но размещение его на краю стола так, чтобы спина была открыта, не имеет значения. Ноуту около 5 месяцев, поэтому я не совсем понимаю, почему это так. Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне?

Огромное спасибо.

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2 ответа на вопрос


If the laptop fan is running and the laptop is not cooling - you need to check the following:

  • Is the airflow blocked at all? I know you mention that there is nothing blocking the vents, but you need to make sure no little bits of paper of similar have worked their way into a fan
  • Is the fan actually working? You need to place a wet finger (easier to sense airflow when wet) near a vent and feel to see if any air is moving.. your fan bearings may be shot and the fan spinning slower/not at all
  • have you damaed the laptop recently? very unlikely, but it has been known in the last for a drop/bang on the laptop to dislodge the fan slightly and cause cooling issues
  • How high is your CPU usage? If your Computer is idle and the CPU is still being used heavily, it could be that a process is over working your machine and making the cooling fan less effective.

Hope one of these point you in the direction of your problem

Art Gertner

There are multiple possible causes for this. However general prophylactic measures would be:

  • First of all, set realistic expectations. If your PC is not shutting itself down due to overheating, then it might be operating normally and you just noticed that it is making so much noise recently. Remember that it is summer time and electronics do heat up a bit more then usual.
  • If you still think that there is something wrong, then first take care of the software. Use Task Manager or any other similar program to monitor your processes. If there is a process that is consuming a lot of CPU cycles when you are not doing anything with you PC, then investigate into this process and if feasible - terminate it + remove from autorun if applicable.
  • Now take care of the hardware. Make sure laptop is resting on the hard surface (not on the the blanket, towel or mat) - to allow a small gap between the desk and the laptop
  • Make sure that nothing blocks the airflow from cooling fan (typically at the back or side of the laptop)
  • Open the laptop casing and clean the fan area and heatsinks. This should normally not require any technical knowledge, neither it should void your warranty. This can be done with a small hand-held vacuum cleaner or compressed air tool. Note: you do not need to remove heatsink, cooler or any of the components.

If all of the above does not resolve the problem, then you might be having a problem with heatsink or cooler mounting. In this case I recommend you to take your laptop to qualified repair specialists.