I have discovered that there are ganged and unganged multichannels. In the Henessy & Patterson we read (where do they take this info from?):
The i7 has three 64-bit memory channels that can act as one 192-bit channel, since there is only one memory controller and the same address is sent on both channels
That is, it seems that Intel Core i7 processors are "ganged". So, I will have speedup only when 3 matched dimms are read at a time. AMD meantime provides truly independent channels, ie.e unganged ones, which give more combination freedom and performance. Random Access Memory can be accessed more randomly with AMD processors!
Nevertheless, nothing says that controller stops accessing 3 existing parallel sticks in parallel 3-channel mode if I add one more DIMM into the first channel.
edit I have just added one more DIMM stick, as the diagramm shows and both CPU-Z and BIOS show that I still have 3 channels. They do not tell that controller operates in 1- or 2-channel mode. The only problem is the reduced timing 7-7-7 to 8-8-8 in the first channel. But it is electrical capacitance issue, not memory access schema, which seems to stay the same.