Могу ли я синхронизировать содержимое внешнего жесткого диска с Megasync?


Я только что добавил новую синхронизацию, и локальная папка находится на внешнем жестком диске USB. Что будет, когда я отсоединю жесткий диск от компьютера? Сохранит ли Mega файлы в облаке?


1 ответ на вопрос


Based on my experiences with Megasync for Mac 1.0.39:

  1. When you disconnect the drive: Megasync will stop syncing folders that were on that drive. No files are removed from the local machine or from the cloud.
  2. When the drive is connected again: Megasync will not enable syncing automatically. You'll have to manually enable syncing of folders on the external disk.

One annoyance I discovered was that Megasync might lock your external drive and prevent ejecting of that drive. In this case a manual disabling of sync is not needed.

I did not find any documentation regarding this matter from Mega website. Therefore I cannot confirm that my experiences apply to other users.

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