Настройка клиент-серверной локальной сети с ограниченным доступом


Я настраиваю новую локальную сеть в колл-центре, где работают 3 уровня сотрудников:

- 1/ Me (the admin)  --- 2/ supervisor 1 ------ 3/ teleoperator ------ 3/ teleoperator ------ 3/ teleoperator  --- 2/ supervisor 2 ------ 3/ teleoperator ------ 3/ teleoperator ------ 3/ teleoperator 

Теперь я хочу настроить сервер для обмена файлами, который:

  • У меня есть полный доступ ко всему
  • Supervisor 1 имеет полный доступ ТОЛЬКО к "FOLDER1" и подкаталогам
  • Supervisor 2 имеет полный доступ ТОЛЬКО к "FOLDER2" и подкаталогам
  • Телеоператоры имеют доступ ТОЛЬКО к своим «FOLDERx / TELEOPERATORx» и подкаталогам

Любые предложения приветствуются. Спасибо :)


1 ответ на вопрос


You can do 2 things (that I'm aware of):

  1. Set up Folder access restriction or
  2. Do multiple shares.

If you use Folder access Restriction:

Pros: Everyone access the same share (ie. \server\share) and can see all the folders, but they can only access the correct folder that they have access to.
Cons: May be a bit complicated at the initial set up, but may worth your time if you plan to expand the solution for more groups / shares.

So you (admin) will have full access over \server\share and all subfolders.
supervisor1 will have full access over \server\share\FOLDER1
teleoperator1 will have directory view access on FOLDER1, but can only access \server\share\FOLDER1\teleoperator1 folder. If Teleoperator1 tried to access other folder, it will not work.

If you use multiple shares:

Pros: Easy to set up
Cons: Can get very messy if you extend it to support even more groups - Only suitable for simple group sharing. Also this will make the visibility messy (ie. \server\share for you, \server\folder1 for supervisor1, \server\teleoperator1 for teleoperator1 etc)

Basically simply share each folder to the correct user, and it will just work. Messy.

Hope this helps.
PS: This is for Windows based solution, may be usable on Linux or Mac, but I'm not too familiar with the detail to be able to say for sure.