Подключение с помощью USB-модема D-Link DWM-157 3G


Я хочу подключиться к Интернету с помощью USB-модема D-Link DWM-157 3G с Raspberry Pi 3 и Raspbian Jessie в качестве ОС (последняя версия). Я пробовал миллиарды методов без успеха!

Это так далеко, где я пошел:

К счастью, модем был переключен в режим модема, и lsusb подтверждает это. Также было зарегистрировано 4 устройства ttyUSB, ttyUSB0 ~ 3. Теперь значок Интернета в правом верхнем углу рабочего стола с двумя стрелками сверху вниз мигает, что, вероятно, означает, что он пытается подключиться (но безуспешно!)

Я пытался соединиться с wvdial, а также sakis3g .

Ниже приведен файл /etc/wvdial.conf :

[Dialer Defaults] Init1 = ATZ Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","mcinet" Stupid Mode = 1 Modem Type = Analog Modem Baud = 9600 New PPPD = yes Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0 ISDN = 0 Phone = *99# Username = { } Password = { } 

а также следующее это /etc/sakis3g.conf :


Вот вывод:

sudo wvdial

.... .... Modem initialized. Sending ATDT*99# Waiting for carrier. ATDT*99# ERROR OK Invalid dial command. Disconnecting at ..... 

а также:

sudo ./sakis3g - интерактивный

...... Preparing Modem ... Registering Network ... Modem unable to register a network. 

И что же мне делать!? Любая помощь высоко ценится.

Edit1 : я пробовал этот модем на Win7, и он работает без проблем.

Edit2 : ниже приведен журнал отладки sakis3g:

pi@raspberrypi:/usr/bin/modem3g $ sudo ./sakis3g connect --pppd --debug  ------------------------------------------- Sakis3G 0.2.0e running on DEBUG mode. ------------------------------------------- Sun 30 Apr 21:56:11 IRDT 2017 ------------------------------------------- Command line was: /tmp/sakis3gz.20928.sakis3g "connect" "--pppd" "--debug" Running with PID: 20958 ------------------------------------------- Environment is: DEBUG='on' DESKTOP='' DISPLAY=':0.0' EXTRACTED='/tmp/sakis3gz.20928.sakis3g' HOME='/root' IFS='  ' LANG='en_GB.UTF-8' LOGNAME='root' LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.axa=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:' MAIL='/var/mail/root' MEGZ='./sakis3g' MYVERSION='0.2.0e' NOFUNCNAME='1' OPTIND='1' PATH='/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin' PPID='20928' PROVIDER='./sakis3g' PS1='# ' PS2='> ' PS4='+ ' PWD='/usr/bin/modem3g' SHELL='/bin/bash' SUDO_COMMAND='./sakis3g connect --pppd --debug' SUDO_GID='1000' SUDO_UID='1000' SUDO_USER='pi' TERM='xterm' TRAPS='cleanscreen ' USER='root' USERNAME='root' XAUTHORITY='/home/pi/.Xauthority' allargs='"connect" "--pppd" "--debug"' binaryvariable='grep' cutbin='/usr/bin/cut' direct_pppd='yes' grepbin='/bin/grep' lastverbosetext='Starting up' me='/tmp/sakis3gz.20928.sakis3g' printfbin='/usr/bin/printf' sedbin='/bin/sed' trbin='/usr/bin/tr' verbosecurrentcount='7' whichbin='/bin/which' ------------------------------------------- Will now proceed with Sakis3G execution. ------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:11] Located "echo" within PATH (/bin/echo). [20958] [21:56:11] Level 1 dependencies met. [20958] [21:56:11] Dir "/bin" exists in PATH. [20958] [21:56:11] Dir "/usr/bin" exists in PATH. [20958] [21:56:11] Dir "/sbin" exists in PATH. [20958] [21:56:11] Dir "/usr/sbin" exists in PATH. [20958] [21:56:11] Done setting up PATH. [20958] [21:56:11] Located "readlink" within PATH (/bin/readlink). [20958] [21:56:11] My location is "/usr/bin/modem3g/sakis3g". [20958] [21:56:11] Located "wc" within PATH (/usr/bin/wc). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "cat" within PATH (/bin/cat). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "tail" within PATH (/usr/bin/tail). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "head" within PATH (/usr/bin/head). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "sort" within PATH (/usr/bin/sort). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "uniq" within PATH (/usr/bin/uniq). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "ls" within PATH (/bin/ls). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "setsid" within PATH (/usr/bin/setsid). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "getent" within PATH (/usr/bin/getent). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "ps" within PATH (/bin/ps). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "chmod" within PATH (/bin/chmod). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "chown" within PATH (/bin/chown). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "touch" within PATH (/bin/touch). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "expr" within PATH (/usr/bin/expr). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "seq" within PATH (/usr/bin/seq). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "cp" within PATH (/bin/cp). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "rm" within PATH (/bin/rm). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "who" within PATH (/usr/bin/who). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "mv" within PATH (/bin/mv). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "basename" within PATH (/usr/bin/basename). [20958] [21:56:12] Located "dirname" within PATH (/usr/bin/dirname). [20958] [21:56:12] Level 2 dependencies met. [20958] [21:56:12] Basic binaries are resolved. [20958] [21:56:12] Parent process is: sudo [20958] [21:56:12] Running by user request. [20958] [21:56:12] Person behind screen is pi. [20958] [21:56:12] Configuration file /etc/default/sakis3g does not exist or is not readable. [20958] [21:56:12] Configuration file /etc/sysconfig/sakis3g does not exist or is not readable. [20958] [21:56:12] Loading system-wide configuration file /etc/sakis3g.conf. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:12] Will now display contents of: \'/etc/sakis3g.conf\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER=CUSTOM_TTY CUSTOM_TTY="/dev/ttyUSB0" APN=CUSTOM_APN CUSTOM_APN="mcinet" APN_USER="a" APN_PASS="a" SIM_PIN="3436" \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 119 Apr 30 21:39 /etc/sakis3g.conf \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:12] Configuration arguments are: "OTHER=CUSTOM_TTY" "CUSTOM_TTY=/dev/ttyUSB0" "APN=CUSTOM_APN" "CUSTOM_APN=mcinet" "APN_USER=a" "APN_PASS=a" "SIM_PIN=3436"  [20958] [21:56:12] Parsing configuration value: OTHER=CUSTOM_TTY. [20958] [21:56:12] Command line set variable OTHER to "CUSTOM_TTY". [20958] [21:56:12] Parsing configuration value: CUSTOM_TTY=/dev/ttyUSB0. [20958] [21:56:13] Command line set variable CUSTOM_TTY to "/dev/ttyUSB0". [20958] [21:56:13] Parsing configuration value: APN=CUSTOM_APN. [20958] [21:56:13] Command line set variable APN to "CUSTOM_APN". [20958] [21:56:13] Parsing configuration value: CUSTOM_APN=mcinet. [20958] [21:56:13] Command line set variable CUSTOM_APN to "mcinet". [20958] [21:56:13] Parsing configuration value: APN_USER=a. [20958] [21:56:13] Command line set variable APN_USER to "a". [20958] [21:56:13] Parsing configuration value: APN_PASS=a. [20958] [21:56:13] Command line set variable APN_PASS to "a". [20958] [21:56:13] Parsing configuration value: SIM_PIN=3436. [20958] [21:56:13] Command line set variable SIM_PIN to "3436". [20958] [21:56:13] Finished loading file /etc/sakis3g.conf. [20958] [21:56:13] Configuration file(s) loaded. [20958] [21:56:13] Will attempt to get access to display :0. [20958] [21:56:13] Located "xauth" within PATH (/usr/bin/xauth). [20958] [21:56:13] Already granted access to display :0. [20958] [21:56:13] Will be using display :0. [20958] [21:56:13] Selecting GUI. [20958] [21:56:13] Unable to locate "kdialog" within PATH. [20958] [21:56:13] Located "zenity" within PATH (/usr/bin/zenity). [20958] [21:56:13] zenity selected as GUI. [20958] [21:56:13] Locale en_GB.UTF-8 found in environment. [20958] [21:56:13] Will attempt to get translation file from package: messages/en_GB.UTF-8. [20958] [21:56:13] Loaded default value for foldwrapping: 60 [20958] [21:56:13] No translations retrieved from file. Will not be using translations. [20958] [21:56:13] Loaded default value for foldwrapping: 60 [20958] [21:56:13] Located "ifconfig" within PATH (/sbin/ifconfig). [20958] [21:56:13] Root level dependencies met. [20958] [21:56:13] Loading Usb-ModeSwitch device database. [20958] [21:56:13] Embedded device database loaded. [20958] [21:56:13] Switchable devices within embedded device database: 0421:0610 0471:1210 0471:1237 0482:024d 04e8:f000 057c:84ff 05c6:1000 05c6:2001 05c6:f000 072f:100d 0930:0d46 0ace:2011 0ace:20ff 0af0:6711 0af0:6731 0af0:6751 0af0:6771 0af0:6791 0af0:6811 0af0:6911 0af0:6951 0af0:6971 0af0:7011 0af0:7031 0af0:7051 0af0:7071 0af0:7111 0af0:7211 0af0:7251 0af0:7271 0af0:7301 0af0:7311 0af0:7361 0af0:7381 0af0:7401 0af0:7501 0af0:7601 0af0:7701 0af0:7801 0af0:7901 0af0:8200 0af0:8201 0af0:8300 0af0:8302 0af0:8304 0af0:8400 0af0:c031 0af0:c100 0af0:d013 0af0:d031 0af0:d033 0af0:d035 0af0:d055 0af0:d057 0af0:d058 0af0:d155 0af0:d157 0af0:d255 0af0:d257 0af0:d357 0b3c:c700 0fce:d0cf 0fce:d0e1 0fce:d103 1004:1000 1004:607f 1004:613a 1004:613f 1033:0035 106c:3b03 106c:3b06 1076:7f40 1199:0fff 1266:1000 12d1:1001 12d1:1003 12d1:101e 12d1:1414 12d1:1446 12d1:1520 12d1:1521 12d1:1557 1410:5010 1410:5020 1410:5030 1410:5031 1410:5041 148f:2578 16d8:6803 16d8:700a 16d8:f000 198f:bccd 19d2:0003 19d2:0026 19d2:0040 19d2:0053 19d2:0083 19d2:0101 19d2:0103 19d2:0115 19d2:1001 19d2:1007 19d2:1009 19d2:2000 19d2:fff5 19d2:fff6 1a8d:1000 1ab7:5700 1b7d:0700 1bbb:f000 1c9e:1001 1c9e:9200 1c9e:f000 1dd6:1000 1e0e:f000 1f28:0021 1fac:0130 [20958] [21:56:13] Switched devices within embedded device database: 0421:0612 0471:1206 0471:1234 04e8:6601 057c:8401 05c6:9000 072f:90cc 0930:0d45 0af0:6600 0af0:6701 0af0:6901 0b3c:c000 0b3c:c001 0b3c:c002 1004:6114 1004:6124 1004:6141 106c:3715 106c:3717 1076:7f00 1199:0017 1199:0018 1199:0019 1199:0020 1199:0021 1199:0022 1199:0024 1199:0026 1199:0027 1199:0028 1199:0029 1199:0112 1199:0120 1199:0218 1199:0220 1199:0224 1199:6802 1199:6803 1199:6804 1199:6805 1199:6808 1199:6809 1199:6812 1199:6813 1199:6815 1199:6816 1199:6820 1199:6821 1199:6822 1199:6832 1199:6833 1199:6834 1199:6835 1199:6838 1199:6839 1199:683a 1199:683b 1199:683c 1199:683d 1199:683e 1199:6850 1199:6851 1199:6852 1199:6853 1199:6855 1199:6856 1199:6859 1199:685a 1266:1002 1266:1003 1266:1004 1266:1005 1266:1006 1266:1007 1266:1008 1266:1009 1266:100a 1266:100b 1266:100c 1266:100d 1266:100e 1266:100f 1266:1011 1266:1012 12d1:1001 12d1:1003 12d1:1406 12d1:140c 12d1:141b 12d1:1464 12d1:1465 12d1:14a5 12d1:14ac 1410:4100 1410:4400 1410:6000 1410:6002 1410:7001 1410:7003 148f:9021 16d5:6502 16d8:6006 16d8:680a 198f:0220 19d2:0001 19d2:0002 19d2:0015 19d2:0016 19d2:0017 19d2:0022 19d2:0031 19d2:0037 19d2:0052 19d2:0055 19d2:0063 19d2:0064 19d2:0094 19d2:0104 19d2:0116 19d2:0124 19d2:0128 19d2:1003 19d2:1008 19d2:1010 19d2:fff1 19d2:ffff 1a8d:1002 1a8d:1009 1ab7:5731 1b7d:0001 1bbb:0000 1c9e:6061 1c9e:9000 1c9e:9063 1c9e:9202 1c9e:9603 1dbc:0005 1dd6:1002 1e0e:9000 1e0e:9200 1e0e:ce16 1e0e:cefe 1f28:0020 1fac:0131 1fe7:0100 [20958] [21:56:13] Embedded Usb-ModeSwitch device database contains 260 entries. [20958] [21:56:13] Folder "/etc/usb_modeswitch.d" exists. Will check if it contains configuration files. [20958] [21:56:13] Loading system supplied device database. [20958] [21:56:14] Switchable devices within system device database:  [20958] [21:56:14] Switched devices within system device database:  [20958] [21:56:14] Finished starting up. [20958] [21:56:14] Loaded default value for pppint: ppp0 [20958] [21:56:14] Verbosing: 7% Locating device [20958] [21:56:14] Located "kill" within PATH (/bin/kill). [20958] [21:56:14] Establishing zenity verbose helper. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:14] Will now run command: \'/bin/touch /tmp/sakis3g.zenity.pipe\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:14] Command returned 0. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:14] Will now run command: \'/bin/chmod 666 /tmp/sakis3g.zenity.pipe\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:14] Command returned 0. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:14] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:14] Fetching connected USB devices by using "/sys/bus/usb/devices". [20958] [21:56:14] Connected USB devices are: 0424:9514:BUSNUM=001 0424:ec00:BUSNUM=001 1a2c:0c21:USB Keyboard 1d6b:0002:DWC OTG Controller 2001:7d0e:D-Link DWM-157 214b:7000:USB2.0 HUB 2188:0ae1:USB OPTICAL MOUSE  ** (zenity:22151): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files [20958] [21:56:14] No plugged modems found. [20958] [21:56:14] Asking user to select: OTHER Please select modem type Select modem category that best fits your 3G modem. Select Cancel USBMODEM USB device BLUETOOTH Bluetooth modem CUSTOM_TTY Custom tty... [20958] [21:56:14] Asking user to select: OTHER Please select modem type Select modem category that best fits your 3G modem. Select Cancel USBMODEM USB device BLUETOOTH Bluetooth modem CUSTOM_TTY Custom tty... [20958] [21:56:14] OTHER=CUSTOM_TTY [20958] [21:56:14] USBMODEM!=CUSTOM_TTY [20958] [21:56:14] BLUETOOTH!=CUSTOM_TTY [20958] [21:56:14] CUSTOM_TTY==CUSTOM_TTY. [20958] [21:56:14] User has already selected OTHER="CUSTOM_TTY". Returning 3. [20958] [21:56:14] Asking user to enter: CUSTOM_TTY Please enter tty Enter tty node where your 3G modem resides, or leave empty to abort OK Cancel [20958] [21:56:14] Asking user to enter: CUSTOM_TTY Please enter tty Enter tty node where your 3G modem resides, or leave empty to abort OK Cancel [20958] [21:56:14] CUSTOM_TTY=/dev/ttyUSB0 [20958] [21:56:14] User has already entered CUSTOM_TTY="/dev/ttyUSB0". Returning 0. [20958] [21:56:14] Using device node "/dev/ttyUSB0". [20958] [21:56:14] Setting up modem. [20958] [21:56:14] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:14] Setting up custom modem on /dev/ttyUSB0. Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. [20958] [21:56:14] Attempting to setup custom tty modem on "/dev/ttyUSB0". [20958] [21:56:14] Custom tty "/dev/ttyUSB0" exists. Nothing more to do for setting it up. [20958] [21:56:14] Modem is now setup and resides on /dev/ttyUSB0. [20958] [21:56:14] Located "wvdial" within PATH (/usr/bin/wvdial). [20958] [21:56:14] Located "pppd" within PATH (/usr/sbin/pppd). [20958] [21:56:15] Loaded default value for PPPD_PEERS: /etc/ppp/peers [20958] [21:56:15] Located "chat" within PATH (/usr/sbin/chat). [20958] [21:56:15] Verbosing: 14% Preparing modem [20958] [21:56:15] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:15] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:15] Loaded default value for CHAT_ABORT_STRINGS: ABORT BUSY ABORT ERROR ABORT BLOCKED ABORT NOCARRIER [20958] [21:56:15] Unknown command "STAGE0". [20958] [21:56:15] Command "PROBEGSM" refers to AT commands: ATI OK 'AT+GCAP' OK 'AT+CGSN' OK [20958] [21:56:15] Will send PROBEGSM commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK ATI OK 'AT+GCAP' OK 'AT+CGSN' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:15] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:15] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:15] Got response from tty:   OK    MTK2  MOLY.WR8.W1244.DNR.WG.MP.V7    OK    +GCAP: +FCLASS, +CGSM    OK    355621056029709    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:15] Found GSM capabilities on tty /dev/ttyUSB0. [20958] [21:56:15] Command "IDENTIFY" refers to AT commands: AT+CGMM OK [20958] [21:56:15] Will send IDENTIFY commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+CGMM OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:15] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:15] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:15] Got response from tty:   OK    +CGMM: MTK2    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:16] Modem on tty identified itself as: +CGMM: MTK2 [20958] [21:56:16] No information found for within files/modem_init.db database. [20958] [21:56:16] Unknown command "STAGE1". [20958] [21:56:16] Using default PINCHECK. [20958] [21:56:16] Command "PINCHECK" refers to AT commands: 'AT+CPIN?' OK [20958] [21:56:16] Will send PINCHECK commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK 'AT+CPIN?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:16] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:16] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:16] Got response from tty:   OK    +CPIN: READY    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:16] Modem on /dev/ttyUSB0 does not need PIN. [20958] [21:56:16] Unknown command "STAGE4". [20958] [21:56:16] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:16] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:16] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:16] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:17] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:17] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:17] Waiting modem to register network (4 seconds). [20958] [21:56:17] Verbosing: 21% Registering network [20958] [21:56:17] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:17] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:21] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:21] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:21] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:21] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:21] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:21] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:21] Waiting modem to register network (8 seconds). [20958] [21:56:21] Verbosing: 22% Registering network [20958] [21:56:21] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:21] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:25] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:25] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:25] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:26] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:26] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:26] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:26] Waiting modem to register network (12 seconds). [20958] [21:56:26] Verbosing: 23% Registering network [20958] [21:56:26] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:26] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:30] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:30] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:30] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:30] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:30] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:30] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:30] Waiting modem to register network (16 seconds). [20958] [21:56:31] Verbosing: 24% Registering network [20958] [21:56:31] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:31] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:35] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:35] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:35] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:35] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:35] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:35] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:35] Waiting modem to register network (20 seconds). [20958] [21:56:35] Verbosing: 25% Registering network [20958] [21:56:35] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:35] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:39] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:39] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:39] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:39] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:40] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:40] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:40] Waiting modem to register network (24 seconds). [20958] [21:56:40] Verbosing: 26% Registering network [20958] [21:56:40] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:40] PID 22151 is still running. [20958] [21:56:44] Command "OPERATOR" refers to AT commands: AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK [20958] [21:56:44] Will send OPERATOR commands to tty /dev/ttyUSB0: "" '\pAT' OK AT+COPS=3,2 OK 'AT+COPS?' OK '\pAT' OK [20958] [21:56:44] We are root already. Proceeding. [20958] [21:56:44] Device /dev/ttyUSB0 is not busy. [20958] [21:56:44] Got response from tty:   OK    OK    +COPS: 0    OK    OK [20958] [21:56:44] Modem not registered to a network yet. [20958] [21:56:44] Giving up after 24 seconds have passed. [20958] [21:56:44] Error: Modem unable to register a network. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:44] Will now run command: \'/bin/rm -f /tmp/sakis3g.zenity.pipe\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:44] Command returned 0. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:56:45] PID 22151 is not running any more. [20958] [21:56:45] PID 22151 is not running any more.  ** (zenity:23125): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. [20958] [21:59:23] Asking user to confirm: scan Scan for network Modem was unable to register a network. Would you like to manually select a network? Yes No reset [20958] [21:59:23] Asking user to confirm: scan Scan for network Modem was unable to register a network. Would you like to manually select a network? Yes No reset [20958] [21:59:23] Prompting user to select yesscan or noscan. [20958] [21:59:24] User selected "no" (1). [20958] [21:59:24] User answered "no". [20958] [21:59:24] Error: Failed to connect.  ** (zenity:23207): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. [20958] [21:59:26] Aborting execution chain due to actor "connect" returning 13. [20958] [21:59:26] Following actors executed: connect [20958] [21:59:26] Verbosing: 33% Cleaning [20958] [21:59:26] Establishing zenity verbose helper. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] Will now run command: \'/bin/touch /tmp/sakis3g.zenity.pipe\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] Command returned 0. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] Will now run command: \'/bin/chmod 666 /tmp/sakis3g.zenity.pipe\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] Command returned 0. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] PID 23301 is still running. [20958] [21:59:26] Stopping operation with return status: 13 [20958] [21:59:26] Now executing traps. [20958] [21:59:26] Executing trap "cleanscreen". /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] Will now run command: \'/bin/rm -f /tmp/sakis3g.zenity.pipe\' /------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:26] Command returned 0. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [20958] [21:59:27] PID 23301 is still running. [20958] [21:59:27] PID 23301 is still running. 
Какие-либо предложения !? Omid1989 6 лет назад 0

1 ответ на вопрос

Akhil Murikipudi

Ваше внимание отключено. Чтобы соответствовать этому открытому последовательному порту и введите AT + CFUN? Вы увидите значение как 4, если посетитель выключен, на ВКЛ слушатель отправит AT + CFUN = 1

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