Резервное копирование и восстановление Osmo-pim

Ryan Gates

Я ввел имена, адреса, дни рождения и другую информацию в Osmo-pim . До сих пор это работало замечательно, но я боюсь потерять эту информацию, если мой компьютер выйдет из строя. Я использую Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64-bit.

Как я могу сделать резервную копию и восстановить информацию, которую я ввел в Osmo-pim ?


1 ответ на вопрос

Ryan Gates


As of Osmo 0.2.14, there is a Backup and Restore button included on the main screen which makes this whole process much simpler.

enter image description here

After you click backup, you see the below screen. Osmo 0.2.14 save screenshot

After you click restore, you see the below screen. Osmo 0.2.14 restore screenshot


Run the following command

cp -R ~/.osmo/ 


  1. Install a clean copy of osmo-pim
  2. Run the following command in the terminal

cp -R ~/.osmo/

Additional Information

To determine where Osmo-pim stores its files, you just need to review the man page with the following command.

man osmo 

Within the man page, it explains the following.

 FILES $HOME/.osmo/calendar_notes.xml - calendar groups and notes $HOME/.osmo/config.xml - configuration $HOME/.osmo/contacts_records.xml - contacts data $HOME/.osmo/ical_files.xml - active iCalendar files $HOME/.osmo/notes_entries.xml - notes list $HOME/.osmo/notes/*.osm - notes data files $HOME/.osmo/tasks_entries.xml - tasks data 

Depending on the amount of information you have entered into Osmo, it may make the most sense to copy the $HOME/.osmo folder to your backup location.

There is a post on Ubuntu forums that is somewhat outdated and now incorrect.

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