ssh xauth ошибка Mac OS 10.6.3


Всякий раз, когда я выполняю ssh с пересылкой X11 на удаленный компьютер из моего macbook, после нескольких секунд паузы я получаю следующую ошибку:

Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding. 

Любые идеи о том, как это исправить?


2 ответа на вопрос


Well, I took a look at @bryan's answer and the succinct answer he proposed. My interpretation of it is thus. First, the behavior is caused by the use of the -X flag. From the text,

The warning can be silenced by using ssh -Y, since that is what ssh -X is doing now anyway.

For an explanation of why that may work, read the link. Specifically, the reasoning behind these warnings is

Trusted X11 forwarding means that you trust the server that you wish to ssh into is not using any keyloggers, screenshot utilities, packet sniffers, or anything else to hijack your connection, in which case X11 will allow it to do whatever a local client would be able to do.

so the -Y is providing this level of trust to avoid warnings. However, that may not be sufficient. I, for example, was trying to silence this message on a Rocks cluster where changes had to be done at the configuration level. You can also silence it via the ssh_config file. According to this link you can add

ForwardX11Trusted yes

into /etc/ssh/ssh_config. However there are ramifications to doing so. I am running on a secure, private network so the concerns are limited. I will also probably do this on my laptop as well, but I never said I fully understood the concerns myself! If you can express why this may still be risky (I only ssh into computers I know fairly well) then please help clarify in comments.

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Если они указывают вам на хорошую информацию, я думаю, что это так. bryan 14 лет назад 0
Я думаю, что по крайней мере используйте блочную цитату, чтобы включить выдержку из указанной связанной страницы, которая может ответить на вопрос. fideli 14 лет назад 0

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